First Book, Part 2-17 "COM263 - Intimacy and Love"

10 months ago

This is me reading my first book. The PDF is available at .

For the COM263 papers, besides the last one, I wanted to just get the recordings done and then post them. Kinda just get the files uploaded and off my hard drive. As such, I came back to do a description, later. As in now. But that means that, unlike the other videos, it may not reflect anything like what I recorded. lol. Whatever, that's fine. Who cares? It's part of this whole process and, I mean, it's just interesting to have done and noted. Funny, given that "intimacy and love" is the last recorded video before I came back for writing these descriptions.

So yeah, it should be expected that, with a Christian, I see the terms "intimacy" and "love" in more of a neutral sense even if the mainstream culture implies a term of romantic or sexual concepts behind them.

It means more to me to be "intimate with a friend" as in furthering our friendship as people than... "oh we got intimate last night" in terms of saying that I got laid...

I never really understood why anyone needs to know about what me and a lovely lady got up to, besides to make sure that she doesn't have a husband who's gonna kill me if he finds out... LOL

I understand when other people use "intimate" as a euphemism, sure, but... I never have felt the need to use it in such a fashion.

It's weird how like, even in my periods of extreme doubt regarding my faith in Christ...

I have always been a Christian on the matter of "intimacy" and "love". Or, well, perhaps I have forgotten and maybe I was a horrible sinner that repented and God wiped my memory of it... Likely not, I just don't think I ever ... Thought about things in such a way. I dunno. It's weird, since I'm trying to remember things that used to be so fresh in my life and should be like yesterday, at the age of 35, and it's like ancient history if it ever even occurred. Maybe in a novel I was reading but that would be outside of me and not my heart, I guess? Dunno. lol.

People are weird.

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