Bumbaclot!! The Jamaican Slang Unveiled

11 months ago

I used Invideo A.I. for a previous project, "We Know Nothing," generating a script, voice, and stock video footage. Coming to the end of that month's subscription (no particular use at the moment), I "created" a short piece on the oft-used pejorative, Bumbaclot. In my youth, I'd heard the term "Bloodclot" or "Bloodclart" (latter spelling seen on an anti-Trump sign a few years ago) when friends of mine would mock Jamaican accents. Being of Jamaican and Haitian lineage, I'd somehow never heard this term from family or associates from the island. Asked my dad about it, and he simply said "It's not a nice thing to say." I dropped the subject.
Currently, it seems bumbaclot is far more popular than bloodclart, and I see it over-used by Jamaicans, here, as was the "N-word" not that long ago. A recent exclamation by a co-worker inspired me to use what remained on my account on this subject. I may, or may not repurpose this film at some some future time.

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