END of DAYS Hebrew Preaching Gospel in Knoxville -- Finding Those Who Really Want Him!

10 months ago

April 2, 2021 Knoxville, Tennesee --End of Days Hebrew, Mattityahu Yahuchanan, a Levite from the Tribe of Benjamin -- Preaching at main intersection & near The University of Tennessee! I'm NOW 60 YEARS of AGE w/a disability (fractured neck, back & spine) -- WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE FOR NOT GOING OUT where you're at?! ASHAMED of the GOSPEL?!

Ecclesiastes 1


included in this video is me street preaching at a major intersection near the UT Knoxville Convention Center where I ran into a discouraged man who just needed some encouragement in the Gospel of Christ to carry on despite his life...

also preaching to many feasters and diners who just believe they're going to wait for the coming of Christ and he's just going to receive them while they're feasting and dining when there is actually a marriage supper we ought to be fasting for

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