Supreme Court Rules GUNS are BAD: The Evidence! April 1 Special

11 months ago

Supreme Court Rules GUNS are BAD: The Evidence! April 1 Special

#2ndamendment #ccw #scotus

Unintentional Firearm Deaths, 2001, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Self-defense with guns The consequences; Southwick; Journal of Criminal Justice; 2000

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kleck and Gertz, Fall 1995

How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings — U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average, Lott, 2018

2021 National Firearms Survey: Updated Analysis Including Types of Firearms Owned; English; 2022

Crime statistics: Bureau of Justice Statistics – National Crime Victimization Survey (2005). DGU statistics: Targeting Guns, Kleck (average of 15 major surveys where DGUs were reported)

Active Shooter Incidents in the United States (2014-2014 and 2016-2017), FBI

The Problem With the FBI’s ‘Active Shooter’ Data, Lott, Real Clear Politics, October 2018

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks; Crime Prevention Research Center; 2023

Wounding Patterns Based on Firearm Type in Civilian Public Mass Shootings in the United States – 2018 – Sarani, Hendrix, Matecki, Estroff, Amdur, Robinson, Shapiro, Gondek, Mitchell, Smith – Journal of the American College of Surgeons

FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, 2004 – excludes Hawaii and Rhode Island – small populations and geographic isolation create other determinants to violent crime.

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks; Crime Prevention Research Center; 2023

Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics, Davi Barker, July 2013 and updated thereafter

An examination of the effects of concealed weapons laws and assault weapons bans on state-level murder rates, Applied Economics Letters, Vol 21, No. 4

Texas Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Census Bureau, reported in San Antonio Express-News, September, 2000

An Analysis of the Arrest Rate of Texas Concealed Carry Handgun License Holders as Compared to the Arrest Rate of the Entire Texas Population, William E. Sturdevant, September 11, 1999

Concealed Weapons/Firearms License Statistical Report, Florida Department of State, 1998 – Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, December 1998

Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun, by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, Volume 86, Number 1, Fall, 1995

Criminal Victimization in the United States, U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1993

Kleck and Gertz, National Self Defense Survey, 1995

Gun Policy & Law Enforcement, PoliceOne, arch 2013

Contents of this video:

0:00 - Intro
0:36 - Myth #1: Private ownership of guns is not effective in preventing crime
5:32 - Myth #2: More guns means more crime
9:51 - Myth #3: More people carrying more guns means MORE crime
13:04 - Who carries guns?
13:56 - Mass Shootings
15:40 - Quote of the Day

Attorney Tom Grieve is a former state criminal prosecutor from Wisconsin before eventually founding what is now the state's largest criminal defense firm at more than 20 attorneys. In 2019 the firm expanded into family law and added a dedicated team of professionals to further serve clients with similar aggressive and proven strategies.

Tom Grieve is recognized among the top Wisconsin and Milwaukee area lawyers. Recently named once again as a top Wisconsin criminal defense attorney, Tom was inducted into the “Wisconsin Rising Star” category by Super Lawyers (a nationally acclaimed attorney rating organization). He was also chosen as a "Top 100 Trial Lawyers" in Wisconsin by the National Trial Lawyers Association. Tom was also chosen for the "Top Attorneys of Wisconsin" by both Milwaukee Magazine and Madison Magazine.

Legal Disclaimer: nothing in this video is offered as legal advice or a formation of attorney-client relationship. If you want to hire my firm to be a client, you need to do just that and hire us... not watch us on the internet. If that offends your delicate sensibilities, just stop and be an adult. If you are outside of Wisconsin and want an attorney, contact one near where you are and stop trying to blame the internet and other people for your problems. This video is for educational purposes only and any clips or images shown are under fair use.

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