Dr. Füllmich Statement From Prison – ‘Their House of Cards is Collapsing’ (March 22, 2024)

9 months ago

Dr. Reiner Füllmich has continued to analyse evidence of the crimes against humanity from prison. that he and the Corona Committee had been working to expose since 2020. The corruption is being increasingly seen worldwide and "Their house of cards is collapsing" according to Reiner, "and we as international attorneys will do our best to speed up that process and make sure that Justice is done." He adds 'The windows of truth that are opening worldwide and the light that shines through these windows is in the process of identifying all of those who are responsible, no one will escape Justice.'

Read entire article HERE: https://expose-news.com/2024/03/27/dr-fullmich-statement-from-prison-their-house-of-cards-is-collapsing/

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