There is no such thing as a "U.S. citizen"

10 months ago

There are only American Citizens,
those who took the original jurisdictional Oath.
That Oath is not currently being utilized anywhere in America that I am aware of, other than the Republic of Oregon and Texas.

The American People, who did not take an Oath to support and defend Our original jurisdictional Constitution, are considered:
ie: Floridians, New Yorkers, Georgians, Pennsylvanians, Oregonians, ect...

As stated in the video: the U.S. citizen that was created by way of a fraudulent 14th Amendment, will never have standing
as it does not exist.
Go to and check out "Judge Perez's and the Federal Judge out of Utah's Dyettet v. Turner" 287 F. Supp.113,annihilation of the " presumed " 14th Amendment.

Again, there are not 50 states within the American Republic,
there are 33 states ratified by the American Republic.
Know the difference!

The 50 States exist on paper only "in this State" (meaning the District of Columbia) as an Article of Incorporate.

All of the Articles of Incorporate fall under the Vatican's bonding system,
which goes against all American Law
Our Republic's common law!

Bonds and credit is unlawful!
Legal is unlawful!

The bonds being issued against the American People are unlawful as all hell !

Time for the American People to wake up and rid this land of these U.S. citizens once and for all.

Maybe We "BUILD THE WALL" around D.C. & put these U.S. citizens back in their box!!!
Back in their District of Criminals (not exceeding ten miles square).
These criminal motherfuckers who dare War against the American People, with their 1917 War Powers Act, and We should chip all of their asses with Elon's neuro-link which these criminals are preparing to put inside the American People, and We use all their technologies against them; put an ankle bracelet on these assholes and monitor their every movement, monetary transaction, and or better yet...
restore true accountability and enforce True American Law and hang every last one of these Treasonous rat bastards!

Like Our common law Constitution demands.

See: Declaration of Independence
American Jurisprudence

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