(Banned Song - to much truth for youtube) Total Control by David J Caron

10 months ago

This song was unjustifiably removed by YouTube in August 2021 for alleged "medical misinformation"
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqeivCKnO9Q&list=PLje8EUXyvFPJ9aVSZtbb1ItZDTHhJMr9Y&index=131
Follow DJC on X: https://twitter.com/DavidJCaron
More from DJC: https://davidjcaron.bandcamp.com/

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- Do your own research. To avoid using the deepstate-controlled algorithms, I recommend that you use rumble, bitchute, and yandex (NOT GOOGLE)
Bypass the YouTube algorithm with this MUST SEE FE playlist👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLje8EUXyvFPJBri5GK8YjRchgpSOd4ZOu
Second FE playlist (includes FE music) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLje8EUXyvFPJ9aVSZtbb1ItZDTHhJMr9Y
third FE playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUQ_En0aJvl_L-F22oUTWnEiOgVgKwoBC
fourth playlist: THE FIRMAMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz3-DRa2cDw&list=PL9JK-HA6DrRGTiCESkQyPbSlIamq_xi12&index=8

Trust in every single proofless claim if you gotta.. IMAGINARY
Let Weapons of mass deception rule your brain if you wanna
Just acquiesce to each absurd demand
Submit to chains hold out your willing hands
Wear a mask ‘til you gasp for breath if you wanna
Live in fear ‘til you ask for death if you gotta
They’ re foolin’ you to believe false is real
Controlling minds so the truth’s concealed
Oblivious to the masquerade pulled over your eyes
How do you know, what you think that you know
What evidence did they show you, or, did they just say it was so.. CONVENIENT
Cos their ultimate goal, is total control.. 666 OBEY
Believe in nonsense none can prove at all,, they’re lyin’.. IT’S MANDATORY
Cling to the bottom of a water-ball, that’s flyin’.. IMAGINARY
A mental prison where nothing is real
Believing in impossibilities
Programming you to be fooled by fearful illusions.. 666
So how did you know, what you were told you should know
Did they demonstrate proof to you or just claim it was known.. CONVENIENT STORY
Always their ultimate goal, was total control..
And now you can’t even breathe, unless your rulers say so..
6.6.6. Obey, Total control, 6.6.6. Obey, it’s mandatory
They’re painting images into your mind, never no proof of which ever you’ll find
Playing you like a board game for their amusement .. with scary stories
Sicken & tag and trace and cull their sheep, they know too many will remain asleep
They have you boxed in distant cubes of air fearing monsters.. suffocating..
Dehumanize, genetic sterile, modify, toxic “vaccine”, microchip, 5G, AI,

Cartoons and fairy-tales & CGI enterslavement, smart grid
They’re fuckin’ outta control, wanting us under control.. DELUSIONARY
Cos their ultimate goal, is population control
Now you can no longer be free, ‘less proven liars say so.. 6.6.6.
They create fear to control, WITH SCARY STORIES, what you were taught to echo... but..
What evidence did who show you or did they just say censor it so.. CONVENIENT STORY
Now You Know their ultimate goal, was always Total control..
Cos now you can’t even breath unless, psycho deciders say so.. IMAGINARY

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