Divine Hope is the Key to Solving Mental Health Crises – My Testimony About Hopelessness

5 months ago

4/5/24 "The Road to Emmaus" part 3 S4E10p3
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we start with yet another talking head’s perspective on the problem of hopelessness in today’s youth, but we progress from there to my testimony of struggling with the same problems in the days of my own youth, and how the Lord rescued me from myself many years ago. That same God stands ready today with the same solution for all who are willing to come to Him in faith. Join us as we conclude this week’s resurrection episode, “The Road to Emmaus,” where we will see that even statistics agree that “Divine Hope is the Key to Solving Mental Health Crises.” I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Welcome to the program.

The first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox means that it’s Easter! Whether or not you choose to celebrate it according to this sun-centered formula, Jesus Christ is Risen, and that’s a worthy fact to celebrate. Our tenth episode of Season Four looks at the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Season 4 Episode 10
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