Jesus and The Passover-NOW THE END BEGINS-MARCH 31 2024

6 months ago

In his excellent whole Bible commentary known as Dispensational Truth, Clarence Larkin says this "The 23d chapter of the Book of Leviticus gives us an account of the "Seven Great Feasts" of the Lord. They were a prophecy and foreshadowing of future events, part of which have been fulfilled, and part are yet to be. They are the "shadow of things to come," of which Christ is the "body" or substance." If you wish to understand the true meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you first need to acquaint yourselves with the 7 great Feasts of the Lord. Let's check in first with our apostle Paul. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, as happens every year around this time, we get lots of feedback and comments on our articles showing you that 'Good Friday' is Roman Catholic nonsense, and that Jesus could only have gone to the cross on a Wednesday. Many of you wanted more light on the timing of the crucifixion as it relates to the original Passover in Exodus 12:14. So tonight, we will dive deep into that as well as all the other Feasts of the Lord that show us the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the First and Second Advents, the Rapture of the Church and the Battle of Armageddon. These 7 Feasts are shadows of the actual events of which some have already happened, with some waiting to take place. Your King James Bible is a living, breathing Book that reads you while you read it, and our look at the 7 Feasts of the Lord will prove that to you!

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