Documentary: South Africa’s Largest White Squatter Camp| The White Slums | Reggie Yates

6 months ago

This is not about color but about the treatment of people. They want us to tear each other appart. God help us all.

This will be done everywhere!!
This isn't about race or religion,
we all know it's really communism and breaking up the foundation demoralizing us to bring us to our knees so we beg for help,
to bring about their heaven on earth where they have total control, it's not about race.
I pray those speaking out against this are being honest about their feelings and intentions and are not just another one of their puppets.
I know Leaders have sign alliance to Israel..
If we fail to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it again.

Replacement theory is NOT the corner stone of white supremacy.

In fact it was never about white supremacy,

but it has been twisted into the deranged theology to make any white person feel guilty about themselves just for being white.

Any white person that has pride in their culture, heritage and their nation, family has been demonized into silence!!

Just for being white, no one is pointing out the blatant hatred for white. No one in this Country has escaped Slavery we all were,
and technically in their eyes still slaves..

Did you know so called holocaust survivors get a monthly reparation check?? Even if they never experienced any of it.

Then why aren't the blacks mad about this, as that is the story they tell us to make us hate each other. That the whites enslaved them.

What about all the people that America
put in concentration camps, the Germans, Italian and and Japanese people,
where is their justice? they were American citizens!!!

Or how about all the millions that Stalin, Churchill. Mao, and Roosevelt murdered. The Holodomor was horrific.

The truth is being hidden from us the victors of the wars write history and unfortunately the communist did win ww2 and dupped America into getting involved, because they knew they were about to lose hence the reason why they made America appear to have control over the monetary system after the war. Federal reserve

I know the federal reserve is a private entity and we have all been deceived.
We are their scapegoat, who they hide behind when they want something done.

We are no longer a great independent nation but a Corporation controlled by evil entities.

Video Source Watchmans Duty

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