Is Ashoka University breeding wokeism in India? | Snakes in the Ganga

11 months ago

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Is Ashoka University breeding wokeism in India? | Snakes in the Ganga
In this video Snakes in the Ganga author reveals how Ashoka university allows for the unhinged degradation of humanities and imports wokiesm verbatim from the west.

Timestamps :

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:19 CRT and Gender Studies
00:01:00 Groomers
00:01:56 Ashoka university
00:02:56 Pornography as a tool
00:03:33 Anti-Hindu activism
00:04:55 Dismantling family
00:05:49 Ashoka's gender projects
00:07:27 Gender as a social construct

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