11 months ago

Pan-African scholar Dr. John Henrik Clarke breaks down the reason why he prefers to refer to himself and his people as ‘African’ rather than ‘Black.’ He may have been born and raised in the United States like his parents and grandparents before him, but as an African whose ancestors were forcibly brought to the Americas during the European slave trade, he understands that identity is a crucial part of Pan-African politics and liberation. He notes that most people of the world are referred to by names tied to their geographical origin. For example, a Chinese person born in the United States will still be called ‘Asian,’ after the Asian landmass - even if his parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were born in Chicago.

What do you think about this? Do you prefer to identify as Black or as African (or African-American, say)? Why? Let us know in the comments below.

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