Lion Attack Kudu on the Road Lesser Kudu #shorts #safari #africa

11 months ago

Lesser kudu live in dry, densely thicketed scrub and woodlands of northern east Africa. To see them at the Maryland Zoo, walk along the African Journey Boardwalk. Females tend to live in small groups of two or three, plus their offspring. Adult males, called bulls, are generally solitary. They leave their mothers after 1.5 to 2 years to be on their own and will join female herds only temporarily to mate. Bulls may have overlapping home ranges but are not aggressively territorial. When bulls cross paths, they usually resolve dominance issues quickly and peacefully by having a face-off that establishes who’s biggest.

Lesser kudu are active mainly at night and in the early morning hours, and seek shelter during the day. They browse mostly at dawn, feeding on the leaves and shoots of nearly 150 different plants! They rarely drink water and seem to get enough liquid from the plants that they eat. During dry seasons, for example, they will eat wild watermelons for the liquid they provide.

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