Debunking "7 Main Reasons Why I Left Islam" by the Masked Arab [Muslim Skeptic LIVE #17]

10 months ago

3:30 - Why I felt the need to debunk Masked Arabs 7 Reasons video
6:48 - Masked Arab belittles the importance of context
8:48 - Reason #1: Science Errors in the Quran (Big Bang, Stars, Time to Create Heavens vs. Earth, Geocentrism)
32:06 - Reason #2: Contradictions in the Quran (Battle of Badr, Length of Day of Judgment)
44:30 - Reason #3: Actions of Muhammad s Were Immoral (Marriage to Aisha, Banu Quraydha, Concubines, Capital Punishment)
1:12:54 - Reason #4: Quran Copies Absurd Biblical Stories (Noah's Flood, Exodus of Jews from Egypt, The Name of Israel/Jacob, The Daughters of Lut)
1:30:21 - Reason #5: Islam Copies Paganism (7 Heavens, Animal Sacrifice)
1:37:23 - Reason #6: Concept of Divine Justice in Islam Is Flawed (Concept of Hell is Unjust, Punishing Based on Ignorance, Lack of Present Day Miracles, Muslims Have an Unfair Advantage, God preferred Bani Israel Over Other Nations)
2:04:40 - Reason #7: Convenience of Verses that Were Revealed (Satanic Verses)

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