Jess, the Paramedic and voice of Vic Healthcare workers standing in solidarity

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Ms Jessica Davis (Victorian Paramedic and Registered Nurse) currently has an Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) complaint 'accepted', pending a 'conciliation' date. The federal circuit may be necessary if the matter is not resolved at the AHRC.

It’s time to hear the truth and facts as to why these healthcare professionals are so deserving and so urgently needed to be back in the workplace, so they can care for and provide the care they are qualified and experienced to do.

The current unlawful v directions to date in Victoria compounded by the poor working conditions on healthcare staff, is having a continual negative impact on everyone in the healthcare industry, which is simply just further depriving the public of care!

The authorities need to immediately, re-evaluate the current vaccine directions in place and review whether they are still necessary taking into consideration the current 'risk' versus all the factors (including state immunity levels; v rates and exposure) and any negative consequences as a result far outweighing the risk and the need for the v directions as they remain today.

It's time to support Victorian healthcare workers, go to to support them financially. All funds go towards legal and associated costs, to see the process through.
If we can achieve a judgement, decision, ruling, a precedent in Victoria which deems the v directions to be unlawful, this will in turn help other workers in Victoria be afforded the same, through their legal process and put an end to further unlawful v directions being issued from the Secretary of Health towards all workers across the state effectively, immediately.
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