Awaken Your Multidimensional Self FT. Shivananda Swamiji's Journey to Enlightenment

11 months ago

SHIVANANDA SWAMIJI: Awaken Your Multidimensional Self: Journey to Enlightenment
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1) Shivananda shares his unique journey of awakening after a coma, revealing his experience as a walk-in.
2) Exploring his deep connection with the beings from Sirius, Shivananda unveils insights about his star family.
3) Delving into ancient civilizations, Shivananda discusses the relevance of Atlantis and Lemuria in our present era.
4) Shivananda highlights the profound influence of Mary Magdalene in history and her relevance in the resurgence of the Divine Feminine.
5) Sharing a powerful message, Shivananda discusses the transition from the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age and its significance.

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