Article 4726 Video - International Public Notice: The Importance of Non-Authority By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4726 Video - International Public Notice: The Importance of Non-Authority - Sunday, March 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have provided Notice that the American Civil War was not a war, but was instead a Mercenary Conflict. It was never declared by any Congressional body at all.

In the years since then, all other "wars" that our misdirected countrymen have been involved in, have also been Mercenary Conflicts, and none were ever properly declared by a Congressional body having authority to declare war, because our American Congress hasn't been in Session.

Our foreign Federal Subcontractors were never given authority to declare war.

This changes everything. All presumptions and suppositions based on the existence of war are blown away.

There are no War Powers, no Emergency Powers, either, and no recourse to The Law of War, no Trading With the Enemy Act, no Law of Conquest, no excuse for extraterritorial Occupation of this country, or any other country, by these undeclared Mercenary Forces.

There is no excuse for commandeering our resources and assets and cashiering them in State Trusts illegally controlled by foreign corporations; no excuse for the Office of Foreign Asset Control to take any action related to us or our assets; no reason for the British Monarch or the Pope, either one, to assume any title interest in our land or labor or our time on Earth. No basis for these foreign powers to demand any performance from us as citizens.

No power backing media gag-orders and demands for censorship.

There is and never was any valid reason to presume that we were absent or missing, presumed lost at sea, or otherwise stateless, or in need of any salvage operations promoted by the perpetrators of these gross breaches of trust, fraud, and violation of the good faith service contracts owed to us.

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