Article 4725 Video - Tail-Chasing Remedy - Sunday, March 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4725 Video - Tail-Chasing Remedy - Sunday, March 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Our Public is their Private, their Private is our Public.

This is what we are talking about when we say that we use the Public Law for our private purposes, while they use their Private (Corporation) Law for public purposes.

It's one of the more arcane concepts of the law that is difficult to master, for, like magic and witchcraft, it depends on perspective -- what your attention is drawn to, how you can be deceived, and how energy is applied.

The Public Law of this country is American Common Law, Law Merchant, and The Ten Commandments; the Private Law(s) of this country include British Admiralty, Noahide Law, Maritime Commerce, UCMJ, Roman Civil Law, Municipal Law, and Ecclesiastical Law.

Which kind and venue of law (public or private) you are owed depends on: (1) your political status (which determines your "person"); (2) the jurisdiction involved (the subject of your matter) which all then gives or fails to give the court "subject matter and in personam jurisdiction".

The Great Fraud has resulted in a situation in which you can be "mistaken" for a Human Person dba a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, or worse, as a United States citizen of the Municipal United States , so it is essential to establish who you are and what your political status is.

This in turn establishes whether, for example, you are living in Michigan, residing in the State of Michigan, or residing in the Municipal STATE OF MICHIGAN.

The most recent corporate scam is to claim the existence of a replacement for the STATE OF MICHIGAN calling itself simply MICHIGAN, and to also claim the existence of the "American Government, Inc." to replace the "United States Government, Inc."

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