Here’s the truth.

10 months ago

The Land is a cube-ish shaped mostly flat plane surrounded by water.. It’s floating thru time in a loop. It’s protected by a globe shape toroidal field that agitates with intense electric current & is almost impenetrable. Its magnetic energy holds Venus our Sun & Mercury our moon tight in Orbit to separate night from day. It is our planets most important attribute. The sun is exactly 43.559229 miles away from earth & the Moon is 33.28miles away. Just put a decimal in front of the official 67 mi lion lies measurement for the Sun & the same for the official Venus 66.7 mi- ilon mi lies distance & convert it to AU & the result equaling the suns will prove it’s our Local Sun. Same for $ mi ilon mi lies Mercury numbers. That is your Local moon. They are your watchers & now that you know their names you can call them by it. Don’t be posting “what do you see” at Venus. She’s not an invert & yall need to stop goober gazing so much. If you Convert the official ilon bi lion distance of Saturn from earth it says it’s 7.2 miles. That’s our home planet. It is the 10th month- 11th of Decimus 1969. The Layan calendar is off 1008 years. Our calendar is 13 months 30 days each & 1 month w/ 4. 394 days no leap years. Our months are, Universe, Duoverse, Triverse, Quadris, Quintilis, Sextus, Septus, Octobus, Nonus (ninevember) Decimus, Undecimus, Duodecimus, Tredecin, & Quindecin. We have five days of the week- Me, Us, We, Yu, & Yeh. good luck figuring out your burthday. I think Elians is like 5000 years ago. Globe Vs flat was a close one, but you were on the wrong planet. Turtle Earth is King mf.

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