The Assassination of LaVoy Finicum (parts 1 - 10)

6 months ago

"Robert LaVoy Finicum (January 27, 1961 – January 26, 2016) was one of the American militants who staged an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January 2016. After it began, the occupying force organized itself as the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, of which Finicum was a spokesman. He was the only fatality of the occupation.

On January 26, 2016, law enforcement officers attempted to arrest Finicum and other occupation leaders while they were traveling on a remote highway to meet with supporters in the next county. When Finicum's truck was finally stopped by a roadblock, he exited the vehicle into deep snow and was fired upon, but the officers missed. Finicum then made two motions to his jacket while yelling at police that they would have to shoot him, which they did. Finicum died on scene and officers later found a loaded weapon in his pocket.

Before the occupation, Finicum lived in Arizona where he made a living as a foster parent and operated a no-income cattle ranch." (
00.00.00 Part 1 - The Deadly Roadblock
00.50.44 Part 2 - The Foam Bullet
01.17.05 Part 3 - The First Shot
01.42.33 Part 4 - The Two Shots The FBI Lied About
01.49.09 Part 5 - Shot With His Hands In The Air
01.58.59 Part 6 - Courage In The Line Of Fire
02.11.57 Part 7 - The Five Minutes of Shooting
02.28.24 Part 8 - (Updated) The First Shot
02.55.06 Part 9 - Pre-Assassination Media Psyops
03.18.21 Part 10 - The Post Assassination Psyops

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