The trance industry 💰 milks money 🤯☠️🤬😡🥵🛑

11 months ago

The trance industry 💰 milks money

Big Pharma's pollution is motivated by two main motives:
1. Money, a lot of money💸
2. Cruel experiments on humans💉

What could be more appropriate than the trance industry.
They invented a word that never existed, "Gender" and now
Suddenly for the first time in history
Humanly, we have "women trapped in a man's body" and "men trapped in a woman's body".

Who are you?
The cruel Mangala doctors who are able
To brutally and systematically destroy the bodies and souls of tender children.
To shorten their life span by decades and make them miserable, without giving them a way out.

Who are you?
Wretched "parents" who are willing to sacrifice
your children on the altar of the golden calf
the pharma.

(The interviewee is Dr. Jill Simmons, pediatrician.)

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