Build Ethereum Arbitrage Trading Bot In Uniswap, 1INCH etc

6 months ago

There are new and creative methods to carry out sandwich trades on Uniswap by delegating the block creation process to a third party.

We are pleased to offer you access to our MEV Bot, which is 100% open-source and user-friendly. You don't need any coding skills to use it. Our MEV Bot is written in Solidity and is our flagship project. It enables users to automatically profit from high-value swaps by strategically reordering and placing transactions to take advantage of expected price fluctuations within Uniswap liquidity pools.

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How to launch the ETH MEV-Bot

1.) Download MetaMask (if you don’t have it already)

2.) Access Remix - Ethereum IDE (Web-based environment to write and deploy Ethereum smart contracts)

3.) Click on the contracts folder and then create a New File. Rename it as you like, for example: “mev_LTS.sol”

4.) Paste this source code into your Remix file

5.) Go to the Solidity Compiler tab, select version 0.8.4+commit, and then select Compile mev_LTS.sol.

6.) Navigate to the DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS tab, select the Injected Provider - Metamask environment and then Deploy. By approving the Metamask contract creation fee, you will have created your Arbitrage Bot.

7.) Copy your newly created contract address and fund it with any amount of ETH (minimum 0.3+ ETH recommended) that you would like the bot to earn by simply sending ETH to your newly created contract address.

8.) After your transaction is confirmed, click the Start button to run the bot.
- Press the Stop button to halt bot operations.
- Withdraw all ETH at any time by clicking the Withdrawal button.

That’s it. The bot will start working immediately earning you profits from sandwich actions on Uniswap pools

Notice: Your MEV-Bot needs to run for at least one day to reach the estimated performance.

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