Alex Dimitrios & Chris, Ready Husband on The Johnny Vedmore Show - 29 March 2024

10 months ago

On today's show, independent researcher and journalist Alex Dimitrios discusses the importance of energy, and details the Aquarian conspiracy to sabotage Three Mile Island, which 45 years ago suffered what is portrayed as the worst nuclear disaster in U.S. history, despite the fact that no one died and there was no increase in cancer rates. Later, "Ready Husband" Chris of MY READY FAMILY discusses the top two reasons for people to prepare themselves and their families NOW for the impending disasters engineered for us by the globalist death cult.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Alex is an independent journalist, podcast host and researcher focused on the intersection of geopolitics and energy. He believes that nuclear energy in particular is a critical building block of national sovereignty in the 21st century.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Chris is the founder of MY READY FAMILY, which provides a FAMILY PREP PLAN giving you a step-by-step guide to help accelerate your family’s preparedness for any crisis. Website:

X/Twitter: @myreadyfamily

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