Jesus is Alive

11 months ago

As we approach this Easter, I am reminded that we not only need to recognize the resurrection of Jesus but we need to acknowledge and believe His birth and then death on the cross. You see one proceeds the other. If you don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God, if you don't believe Jesus died on the cross, then how can you believe He rose from the dead?

Jesus died for each one of us willingly. The question is who are you willing to die for? To be honest Jesus is asking us to die to ourselves and then we can become a new creation in Him. This is the most difficult of tasks, to die to one's self. Jesus is the perfect example of doing just that through His ministry and walk to the Hill of Skulls (Golgotha) to be nailed on the cross for the whole world to see.

Today we are going to walk through a series of events from the prophecy of Jesus birth in Isaiah to His documented birth in Matthew, then to the seven sayings He made while on the cross showing His suffering, ridicule, faith, love, mercy and finally His death. The resurrection story is evidence that He did rise from the dead evidenced from eye witness accounts which includes finding an empty tomb. The bible shows us that Jesus did experience life, death and resurrection concluding in Revelation telling John that He was once dead and now He is alive.

My prayer is that we see Jesus as the King of all. Through Him and in Him we will find Salvation. In Salvation and our relationship with Jesus we will find Heaven. My prayer is that the dead in sin would become alive in Christ. That the blind would see and the deaf would hear how much God loves us by sending His only begotten Son for our benefit. That people would see how much Jesus loves us because He faithfully and obediently went to the cross and paid our sin debt in full. I pray that you get off the fence and live the abundant life that God created for you. The life full of love, grace and mercy. To live fully for the true King in heaven. In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen! Amen!

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