An Easter Message For All, and How to Respond to the White House Dissing God

11 months ago

Easter 2024 is upon us. It’s a time when most people in the western world acknowledge the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christ, by the way, is not Jesus’s last name. The word Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, which is a translation of the Hebrew word, Messiah. And the words Christ and Messiah both mean “The Anointed One,” referring to the prophesied King and Savior.

Bible scholars tell us that God instituted a new dispensation about 2000 years ago, which came through the Man Jesus – who – as the Bible points out, was also God in the flesh. Jesus himself fulfilled the Mosaic Law. He didn’t abolish it; he fulfilled it by keeping the whole law. It was because He was God in the flesh that He was able to keep the law. We, as sinful man, could not. And cannot.

Additionally, being perfect, Jesus was also represented the spotless lamb required for a sin offering. He also represented the spotless lamb required for the Passover. And yet those who were self-righteous – the Priests and teachers of the day – who, as humans, were also insecure, rather than be curious and look into what Jesus was saying, they stuck with their own interpretations of the Mosaic Law and they had Jesus crucified.

If you’ve read the Old Testament, you’ll probably know a spotless lamb was required for the Passover. You’ll also probably know a spotless lamb was required for a sin offering. In the sin offering, the death of the lamb covered one’s sins. And with the blood of the lamb at Passover, you’ll recall the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had become slaves in Egypt, and God was bringing a plague of death across that land.

As scripture tells us, God’s angel of death “passed over” a house if he saw the blood of the lamb on the doorposts. No one in a house that had the blood suffered death that night. That’s why they call it the Passover – the angel passed over houses with the blood.

Also, if you read the New Testament, you know that when John the Baptist first saw Jesus coming to be baptized, he said, “Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” Not just the sins of a person or a family, but for the whole world.

So, being a sinless, spotless lamb, Jesus’s death covers our sins. Permanently.

And also by being a sinless, spotless, lamb, Jesus became the Passover lamb, because He was crucified on Passover.

In truth, Easter was part of the spring fertility and renewal festivals common in Rome. In the 4th century, the Roman emperor combined the celebration of Christ’s resurrection with those fertility celebrations.

Hence the inclusion of rabbits and eggs for Easter. But that’s a whole different story for a different day.

The main point is this:

instead of people having to follow the Mosaic law to be saved from eternal damnation – which was impossible for us humans to do, by the way – we only have to receive the gift God gave to us: the redemptive sacrifice of God, where He made Himself a sin offering for us. Plus it was Jesus’s blood representing that of the Passover lamb.

When my body stops breathing I will be with Jesus. And because I believe in His blood atoning for my sins, and because his sacrifice and blood serves as the sacrifice and blood of my Passover lamb, God will pass over me when it comes to the second death.

It’s a simple matter of belief. There’s nothing we can do to earn anything. God did it all. By Jesus becoming our sin offering AND our Passover lamb, if we merely believe that his blood was shed for us, we will inherit eternal life. It’s as Jesus himself said it would be. During the last supper, Jesus said, “this cup is the NEW COVENANT, IN MY BLOOD.” It’s a new dispensation, and all we have to do is believe,

So, when your physical body stop breathing, if you have believed in the gospel – which is spelled out for us in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4, that Jesus died for our sins according to the scripture, that he was buried, and that he rose again according to the scriptures – then by that belief you are saved.

The gospel if found in many New Testament books, as well as old testament books such as Daniel and Isaiah.

Events Happening Around Us Now

Now, to events happening today. You would think that the leaders of America, which was founded on Christian principles, would gladly be proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus this Easter.

It saddens me to have to report that the current White House administration has forbidden any Christian symbols in the Easter art contest for children of National Guard members – a contest the White House was putting on.

This is a holiday that’s supposed to honor the death and resurrection of Jesus, but the White House is forbidding children to draw any pictures representing that.

But it gets worse. As if to slap God in the face, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has proclaimed Easter Sunday to be a Transgender Day of Visibility.

This is not a joke. The proclamation is right there on the White House’s website.

Of course, this is clearly a tactic of those who wish to dismantle our form of government. It’s also designed to provoke a reaction from Christians, some of whom may over-react. If that happens, the powers-that-be will say those over-reactions prove Christians are unstable and violent.

We know Joe Biden didn’t come up with this. His handlers did. But still, what should Christians do? Between not allowing children to draw pictures representing Christ’s death and resurrection, and by proclaiming Easter to be a day for celebrating behaviors that God clearly states are an abomination, it safe to say that those in America’s Executive Branch are not honoring the principles of our Founders.

Nor are they honoring the God who send His son to die for them.

It is truly a slap in God’s face.

How Christians Should Respond

No protests are going to make a difference. And because so many people in our government are themselves corrupt, protesting may even cause a person to be labeled a domestic terrorist, despite the right to protest being enshrined in our Constitution.

No, the best response, and the only way to really make a difference is to pray.
God hears every prayer, so pray. In case you don’t know, prayer is simple a fancy word for talking with God. So talk with God. Ask him to forgive those in the upper echelons of our government and for them to turn their hearts back toward him.

Also pray that if they won’t turn back to God, ask God for them to be voted out of office and replaced with God-fearing people.

Yes, prayer needs to be our response.

For those who are appointed and not elected to various positions, pray that God-fearing people replace them, too.

If you’re a God-fearing person, you could run for office yourself, or support another God-fearing person who’s stepping up to the plate.

Also -- Pray that the people of this country stop believing the lies and turn to TRUTH. And for the record, GOD IS TRUTH.

Of course, while you’re praying, also thank God for sending His Son, and thank the Son for enduring the crucifixion so that all the people of the world -- if they believe in the New Covenant in Jesus’s blood – can have the free gift of eternal life.

It was through God’s providence that America became free. It will be through God’s providence and our willingness to stand for His truth that our liberties will be restored.

May you celebrate Resurrection Day – our path to true eternal freedom – with gratefulness.

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