Hot girl from Athens, GA arrested for DUI.

11 months ago

Around 12:00 AM on January 21, 2022, Officer Kyren Sharpe with the Athens-Clarke County Police Department observed a white 2020 Mustang drive through a red light on West Broad Street and Camila Road. He activated his emergency lights to iniatiate a traffic stop, and he observed the Mustang swerving as it was headed east on West Broad Street. The vehicle eventually came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the roadway, but Officer Sharpe instructed the driver to pull over onto Paris Street. After the vehicle pulled over, he made contact with the driver, who was identified as 27-year-old Jessica.

Officer Sharpe detected the odor of alcohol and noticed signs of impairment, and he asked her where she was coming from. Jessica told the officer that she was heading home after working at a local restaurant, and admitted to consuming a shot of tequila after work. Based on his suspicion of impairment, Officer Sharpe asked Jessica to submit to field sobriety exercises.

The first field sobriety exercise was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test, and Officer Sharpe observed the lack of smooth pursuit and distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation. The second exercise was the Walk and Turn test, and Jessica took an incorrect number of steps while using her arms for balance. The final exercise was the One Leg Stand test. During the One Leg Stand test, Jessica failed to raise her foot in the proper fashion while putting her foot down before the test was finished.

Based on her erratic driving, the odor of alcohol, the open container of beer, and her admission to consuming alcohol, Officer Sharpe placed Georgia under arrest for driving under the influence. Around this time, another officer located an empty 12 oz. beer bottle inside the vehicle. After Jessica was placed under arrest, she refused to consent to submit blood samples for testing. Officer Sharpe then transported Georgia to the Clarke-County Jail and she was issued the following summonses: DUI – Alcohol – Less Safe (40-6-391(a)(1)), Failure to Maintain Lane/Improper Driving on Road (40-6-48), and Obedience to Traffic Control Devices (40-6-20)
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Our content is educational and in compliance with YouTube's Fair Use Policy because we edit several long clips into a concise story. This is similar to other law enforcement channels on YouTube. All videos and case documents were obtained pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, § 50-18-70, et seq. This is being shown for educational purposes, to discourage others from driving under the influence. Defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty.

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