JUAN O SAVIN- EASTER MY KEISTER - Jennifer Mac 4 12 2020

11 months ago

JUAN O SAVIN- EASTER MY KEISTER - Jennifer Mac 4 12 2020

This is for watching after the KIDS go to bed. Juan Recorded this in April 2020 during the beginning of COVID.. this is not for everyone but put here in a linear fashion for you to know the TRUTH behind the RITUAL of EASTER/OSTARA/ISIS. The name means many things but what is going on with Easter Eggs and Bunny Rabbits that are based in Pagan Ritual?..on a day we should be celebrating the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST who DIED for our SINS on the CROSS. Symbology surrounds us in this Country founded by Christians that were from the start were escaping Persecution, that was quickly corrupted by those that were trying to take America down...Those not exactly on the right path back to Babylon and it only got worse over time as they INFILTRATED all of our "institutions".
Several Bible Verses are shown in this PRESENTATION and I implore you to read your Bible. For myself this is a lifetime of wondering why certain holidays just didn't make sense. And now there is a list. Unfortunately it is the list of PAGAN and SATANIC Holidays that are at the same time of year. Lets get to a "resurrection day" or a "Passover day" that actually works for dates from the Bible and perhaps even the Old Testament and for significance of the actual events.
The long scrolls of Q Drops might be new to some. This movement the Q Team did the job of a huge educational and informational research project that to many of us TAUGHT us to Research and LEARN about many moments in History that had been fabricated. Much was not shown in this PRESENTATION that I would have added but over time it still stands as a marker for JUAN O SAVIN.. whose whole life has been to tear back the covers from those that have hidden themselves for so long and NOW we can actually see the EVIL.
PICK A LANE.. it is up to YOU to decide. Good vs Evil WE are CHANGING the world.
He is RISEN!

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