What To Do In The Most Difficult Times of Our Lives: STUMP THE RABBI (199)

10 months ago

Q&A Shiur For The Refua Shlema of TALYA Bat Sarah, Rav Efraim Kachlon's 2 year old daughter that's in the hospital right now, and needs miracle from HaShem.

When we need more salvation from HaShem, we need to add more Torah. More Torah Questions, Answers, Tzedakah and Chesed to Help Am Yisrael Do TeShuva will soften the judgement and bring Salvation to the little tzadika along with all of Am Yisrael.

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0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:41 If Despite This You Will Not Heed Me, and You Behave Toward Me with Casualness, I Will Behave Toward You with a Fury of Casualness (Lv. 26 v. 27)
0:03:49 Curses, Antisemitism on the Rise and Delusional Ideologies
0:06:40 Your Destroyers shall Come from Within You (Isaiah 49 v. 17)
0:08:00 Every War the Nation of Israel Won was Because of The Torah
0:09:45 Short-Lived Teshuvah After Oct. 7
0:13:09 One of the Biggest Lies
0:16:12 Lies Will Become the Dominant Force—War Against the Torah
0:17:32 How to Deal with Difficult Times
0:19:07 He Who Trusts in Hashem will be Surrounded by Kindness (Ps. 32 v. 10)
0:20:08 A Person is Obligated to Bless G-d for the Bad Just as He Blesses G-d for the Good (Ber. 54a to Dt. 6 v. 5, Shul. Aruch)
0:21:57 Obligation to Have Proper Concentration while Making a Blessing (Yalkut Yosef)
0:23:12 Reb Bunim's Encounter: The Power of Kavanah in Prayer of a Simple Jew
0:30:51 Lack of Gratitude by People of Israel Empowers Evil in the World (Isaiah 29 v. 13)
0:32:40 Punishment Beyond 12 Months in World of Truth for Improper Kavanah During Prayer
0:35:48 What Does Proper Blessings Have to Do with Surviving Difficult Times?
0:36:21 The Holy One, Blessed is He, Does Not Smite Israel Unless He Has Created a Remedy for Them Beforehand (Megillah 13b)
0:38:14 Conclusion

0:47:40 What Occurs in the Era of the Moshiach?
1:09:03 Why Not Say "Moshiach Now"?
1:11:41 When Will Moshiach Come?
1:12:04 Tetragrammaton Forbidden to Pronounce
1:15:16 What Does Sacrifice of the Red Heifer Have to do with Moshiach?
1:17:57 Will the Temple Be Rebuilt in Our Lifetime?
1:20:24 How Can One Be a Better Person?
1:24:15 Thoughts on Muhammad and Quran
1:33:46 Favorite Gun
1:35:03 The Torah is called "The Book of Wars"
1:37:22 Feast of Leviathan
1:44:23 Does Judaism Speak of Demons and Possessions
1:52:14 The Origin of the Word Jew
1:53:21 Impossible to Disprove G-d and Dinosaurs
1:57:58 Specific Demon Absent in Israel (Ramban)
2:01:26 Two Gardens of Eden & Two Gehinnoms
2:03:42 Heretical and Idolatrous Infiltrators
2:05:06 Oldest Book in Torah
2:05:23 G-d's Constant Communication
2:13:25 G-d's Punishments
2:18:00 Does Torah Forbid Clothing from Non-Kosher Animals?
2:18:39 Best Way to Do Teshuvah
2:20:58 Teachings to Improve Hebrew Pronunciation
2:23:23 Animal Sacrifices & Obligation Not to Torment Animals
2:27:11 Source Needs to Be Looked Into
2:27:51 Are Descendants of Yefet and Edom the Same Today?
2:29:22 Where Does the Rabbi Currently Reside?
2:29:41 Can a Jew Become an Amalek?
2:29:54 Why Reform Judaism Isn't Accepted
2:34:33 Who Ascended to Heaven, Including Those Who Descended as Well?
2:37:09 Tattoos Forbidden by Torah
2:37:22 Is Polygamy Permissible by Torah Law?
2:38:46 Anti-Semite Achashverosh
2:41:53 Erev Rav Today
2:44:00 Be'Ezrat HaShem: Make Eternal Investments

What To Do In The Most Difficult Times of Our Lives: STUMP THE RABBI (199)

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