6 months ago

Mark 16:6 New King James Version
6 But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.

GOOD EVENING IN THE RISEN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! everyone's Resurrection Sunday? I know a lot of you are very ticked off at what our resident in the White House did in regards to the celebrations of Easter today there, and I share your anger and disdain over it. but we need to make one thing certain in this, and that is we make sure we're representing Christ well through our actions as well as our words when we show and express our disappointment over what they've done. Franklin Graham really summed it up best and that they are flaunting, parading, and openly stating their rebellion against God concerning this, and that's something I really pity them for. I know that there are a lot of people on the side of the left that are saying well March 31st has always been "trans visibility day", and it has nothing to do with Easter, but they don't see the point. It's the fact that as Franklin said, they are openly flaunting, parading, and outright defying God in this matter, by doing this on the very same day that Easter falls on, which really truly makes it disrespectful. however guys, as I stated before, we need to be wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves and make certain that we don't bring shame to Him. also guys, just remember. that these individuals, along with atheists, and any other godless group of people, already have their "special day". April 1st.😛

Ricky and I went to one of the Services of Calvary Chapel, in NE Philadelphia, and I am so glad I did. Pastor Joe Focht on the necessity of..., in which he spoke on the necessity of the Resurrection, in which he stated that without the Resurrection there would be NO Pardon, Hope, Kingdom, and the devil wins. Praise God that the devil doesn't win! Pastor then gave an invitation to come to know Christ, and praise God, souls came to know Christ! afterwards, Ricky and I spend some time in the church's Cafe, picked up a local newspaper, and then came home. Right now we're smelling lasagna for our Easter dinner, and watching Jesus of nazareth, very, very grateful for this beautiful day.

You know guys, this morning scripture really intrigued me. I was especially intrigued over the fact that each and every person who had an encounter with the risen savior, and/or was told that Jesus had risen from the dead, responded with fear, joy, and gladness. In particular, when Jesus showed himself to these people, they worship Jesus and went back to tell everybody the good news. God showed himself to these women, and many others during that same day, in the most unique ways, and I truly praise God for it.

I got to thinking of the ways in which God has shown himself to me, and I had to share some things that God showed me from his word this morning through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you will help encourage you and help you remember all the ways that God has shown Himself to you, and also help you remember how God has changed you because of the encounter that you've had with Him. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn for yourself the precious truth that Christ is alive! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will challenge you the way that they have been challenging me.

How has God shown Himself to you?

How have you changed because of your encounter with Him?

As I close this post for tonight, I pray for those who do not know Jesus, that you will come to know the One who suffered, abuse, agony, degradation, humiliation, pain, shame and more so, to redeem you from sin! I invite you all RIGHT NOW, to call on His name today, seek His face, ask Him to forgive you of whatever sins you’ve committed, and He WILL forgive it!! He doesn’t care about your lifestyle, skin color, faith, or ethnicity what you’ve done, where you’re from, or anything about you, just that you let Him in your heart. Please, choose to accept His Amazing, PERFECT grace, by receiving Him into your heart TODAY!!!! Just click this link below here, so that you can be redeemed!! https://www.ccphilly.org/do-you-know-...



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