General Mike Flynn · Biden declares Easter Sunday, is Transgender Visibility Day.

5 months ago

General Mike Flynn · Don’t hold your breathe waiting for these dark soulless people running our country to do the right thing. They will continue to destroy every institution and everything that is good and pure.

The Biden White House has released a statement proclaiming that Easter Sunday, is now Transgender Visibility Day.

JEFF CLARK: Perhaps this violates my own self-imposed rule for Good Friday through Easter to put politics to the side during this sacred period.

But this is clearly designed by Biden and his handlers and his woke staffers to be a slap in the face to Christians. *It could not be more obvious.*

Jimmy Carter and even Bill Clinton in the 1990s never would have done this.

Any Christian who doesn’t immediately reject this insult to the holiest day of our year and resign from the Biden Administration should repent by doing so and issuing a public apology to Christians all around the world.


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