Craig Wright, Calvin da Fed Rat, BSV turd

9 months ago

Not wasting my time on you greedy low lives i just had to put out a laughable piece that was always obvious but nobody got it just like you still don't get it.

go out and work for it you lazy bums. My feelings towards craig et al haven't changed. subhumans. eat shit you vile creatures. enjoy the billions and trillions and go run the world but you are all vile.

justice will come soon for everyone from above.

play your games, they're a good laugh. Too bad you all turned out to be such low lives.

now get to work you lazy bastards and figure out the obvious cause you're too blind and dumb to see what's in front of you.

And trump the fraud, you altered the bible written by the spirit of God, you cursed sub-human. Prepare for the coming wrath.


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