Proof of Claim to Taxation, By Laws et al

11 months ago

Notice Proof of Claim to Taxation, By Laws et al Proof of Consent to Contract

Date ________________________________
Reference # __________________________
To: the City of Brooks 201 - 1st. Avenue West Box 879 Brooks Alberta T1R 1B7
From the property listed below:
Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent. This notice is formally served.
No man or woman has jurisdiction over another man or woman without their consent. Contract makes the law and consent makes the contract. The burden of proof falls upon the claimant.
The City of Brooks was first incorporated; July 14, 1910; most recently on September 1, 2005. Therefore, the Clearfield Doctrine within, is applicable. The City of Brooks is operating under the "Color of Law."
Tacit consent has been given against said property, without full disclosure. SEE: The 10 points of Contacts Law enclosed. It is incumbent upon the City of Brooks through its clerk, agents, officers, councilors, mayor, employees et al to provide certified evidence of any and all contracts, or consent to contract regarding the aforementioned property and The City of Brooks, Alberta. Regarding; taxation, land use, water use, structures and buildings below, on, or above the land, any and all animals and birds thereon, machinery, equipment and chattels thereon, by laws et al that said property is subject to. The burden of proof falls upon the claimant.
Canada Inc., Alberta Inc., The City of Brooks et al, are government service corporations doing business as governments. Any Acts, Statutes, by laws, created by these entities only apply to their employees, franchisees, officers, and dependants. Their rules do not apply to the people in general. That's why the rules they create (statutes) are referred to as "public policy."
Men and women living on the landmass known internationally as Canada or Alberta, in this case, are not subject to any "public Policies", mandates, or other acts of legislation promoted by any commercial or municipal corporation for its officers and employees.
All Acts, Bills, By laws, and Statutes et al created only apply to "person." The definition of "person" in Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition, page 1028, states; in general usage a human being (i.e. natural person) though by statute term may include a firm, labor organization, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. Maxim: include, the inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. As plainly stated, anything that applies to "person" only applies to a firm, labor organization, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. Not a living man or woman. Black's Law is referenced because this is contract law, the law of commerce.
The Crown Corporation is a For Profit corporation, corporations by any name require contracts. Adhesion contracts are not contracts. Tacit contracts have been made without full disclosure. This requirement for evidence is expected within 30 days as is customary in these matters. No response will be confirmation of The City of Brooks tacit consent to this notice.
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