IFR Flight Training Part 9

11 months ago

New year and new goals. This year I am going back to flight training with the intention of adding an IFR rating to my pilot privileges. I spent over a year getting the plane and panel ready for this training. Follow along as I move through this training over the next few months. This is the 9th Training session and I am bringing more automation to the cockpit. With more automation, more gremlins to address and new systems to understand.

Supporting my Channel:
Avionics: GRT Sport Ex (https://grtavionics.com/) @GRTAvionics
Oil Additives: CamGuard (https://aslcamguard.com/aviation/) @aslcamguard7129
If you want to order oil analysis kits or the pens from the video go to https://lnclabs.com
Engine: Corvair Conversion (https://flycorvair.net/) @WWFlycorvair

For mor information on the plane, follow @zenithairco

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