Understanding the Interstitium is the Key To Preventing and Reversing Any Cancerous Condition

5 months ago

From Dr. Robert Young:
With new medical technology we can now test the chemistry, including the pH of ALL the body fluids which proves that the Interstitium, I call the third kidney, is holding predominately the majority of all acidic waste in these holding compartments. This is done by the body in order to maintain and protect the delicate pH balance of the blood plasma and keep you alive.
Just testing the chemistry or parameters of the blood plasma can and many times will give medical doctors a false positive or false negative. Why? Because all the the normal or negative factors happening in the body can only be revealed by testing the fluids of the Interstitium where all the acidic toxins are being stored, until eliminated through the channels of elimination.

When medical doctors make false statements that what you eat, drink, breathe or think does not effect the chemistry of the body fluids, they do not realize that the pH of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium are being compromised every day by ALL of these factors. Testing the chemistry of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and comparing this information to the chemistry of the blood plasma is critical in correctly determining a real or accurate medical diagnosis! I have determined from my own research over the years that the testing of the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium is the gold standard in medical diagnostics and the holy grail to prevention, diagnostic, and effective treatments for ALL sickness and disease! -

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MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Detox Game-Changer.

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How does MasterPeace nutraceutical work?


Harmful POSITIVELY charged toxins, including heavy metals, take up residence in and around the tissues and cells in our body. Unfortunately, this is a modern-day fact. However!… undigestible nanometer-sized clinoptilolite zeolite, found in MasterPeace, is a safe NEGATIVELY charged mineral that magnetically finds and traps these positively charged “forever chemical” toxins. The body then expels the Zeolite WITH the poisons attached!

At the same time, MasterPeace replaces the heavy metals and toxins with nutrient dense structured marine plasma containing 96 organic-minerals in a perfect ratio. This combined formula goes through a high-level water structuring process which allows it to further resonate like a strong crystal, profoundly connecting MasterPeace even further to holistic principles and the energy all around us.

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