Michael Heiser Doesn’t Have the 82nd Psalm Right

11 months ago

I finally got around to reading "The Unseen Realm". I was prepared to like it, but unfortunately we don't see the two key passages used in the book the same way at all. One of those is in the 82nd Psalm ( Psalm 82:6 in particular ). Here I explain why, in my opinion, M. Heiser has this verse wrong, as well at the 89th Psalm. And if he has one of his two key verses this wrong, it is unlikely that his overall thesis is right.

Please see my other content which speak to related issues. Let's start with some vids you can find on this channel....

• Michael Heiser is Wrong About Deuteronomy 32

The Nephilim and the Sons of God in the Christ-Centered Model:

• The "Sons of God" are NOT Angels or Spirit Beings

• Do not Delight in the Religion of the Angels

I have put together some blog posts.......

Here is my written response to his "Naked Bible #249" podcast where he asks whether or not Israelites viewed their judges as Elohim. http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

Here is a blog post on why I think he has Deuteronomy 32 wrong.... http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

And why I think he has "Elohim" wrong..... http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

And probably "Sons of Elohim" wrong as well..... http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

I think he over-emphasizes places, or perhaps another way to put it is that he leaves off the very important ending- that they don't matter much now if they ever did because they were used for a purpose which has been fulfilled in Christ. http://earlygenesistherevealedcosmolo...

Link to my book: Early Genesis the Revealed Cosmology https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRLDYJB

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