Dead Rising CTYD S rank 2nd Amendment Nintendo Wii

11 months ago

00:00 Target Practice 1
00:56 Bodyguard 1
01:34 Ducks in a Barrel
02:10 Make it Rain
02:41 Naughty Poodle
03:23 Scarce Ammo
04:01 Shooting Under Pressure
04:25 The Impossible is Possible
05:00 Roller Coaster Rampage
07:26 The Adorable Servbot
08:33 Balloon Burstin
10:46 Target Practice 2
11:26 Covering Fire
13:15 Elevator Action
13:41 Hide and Seek
14:28 Bodyguard 2
15:35 Clear a Path
16:51 Polly Wants a Cracker
16:55 Give it a Shot
17:23 Clay Shootin with Otis

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