Wall Builders on Easter - Founding Fathers and More - Jesus Forgave them - 3-31-24

10 months ago

Wall Builders on Easter - Founding Fathers and More - Jesus Forgave them - 3-31-24

Video source Wall Builders by email

Thanks be to the Father - Heavenly Father for offer up his Son Jesus Christ the great Jehovah - for us and all mankind!

No on will be ever able to repay the Father and the Son for his Gift of hope and Resurrection and Eternal life! ( Offered for all man kind! )

Celebrate Easter with your family and Friend - Renew your faith and hope in Jesus the Christ - the Promised Messiah! The only way back to the Father!

He ( Jesus Christ ) is the only way back the only truth and light - life of the world - hope of the world for peace - Prosperity and Unity!

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