Israel brings red cows for ritual sacrifice to 'rebuild Solomon temple beckoning the Messiah'

5 months ago

In the heart of the occupied West Bank, a small group of Red Angus cows has sparked controversy among Israelis and Palestinians alike. These cows, imported from Texas with much fanfare, are believed by some to hold the key to fulfilling ancient biblical prophecy and igniting political tensions in the region.
According to Jewish tradition, a perfectly red heifer is required for a ritual purification necessary for the construction of a Third Temple in Jerusalem.
The construction of this temple is a fervent desire for some radical Jewish groups, who believe it will lead to the arrival of the messiah.
However, the proposed location for this temple, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, is also home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine, two of the holiest sites in Islam.

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