"Seeing Tears run down Amber's face...that another Family wouldn't have to experience what she had-"

10 months ago

"-... when she saw that the [police pursuit initiative] had passed, that meant the world to her. And that is a reminder even as we wait today, for tomorrow, in anticipation for bigger, brighter things: Through this state. This year. These Initiatives."

"What's happening with these factors Jim mentioned, I believe this gives many of us reasons for hope!"

Simon Sefzik recalls the ground work he, Representative Jim Walsh, as well as Brian Heywood sponsored as Amber Mackey, mother of a 2022 deceased 12 year old girl, had worked and testified in support of police pursuit restoration laws after her daughter's life was taken as a result of police pursuit disengagement after "pursuit reform" laws passed to restrict ability to pursue suspects by vehicle pursuit.

The recounting of the memory of Amber's testimony and reaction to the news of the police pursuit restoration being passed was heartfelt, as before the former State Senator detailed the level of gaslighting and lack of hearing by democrat majorities in the house for the bill to be passed during the initiative process.

Along with the story, Simon handed the mic to Rep Jim Walsh as they concluded the speeches and moved onto the Question and Answer portions of the Lynden Town Hall at Lynden Heritage Museum.

This was filmed at Lynden Museum in Whatcom County on February 23rd, 2024.

Footage is operated and reserved for the channel operator/owner and should be consulted with per fair use before reuse/reposting of the content.

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