A Canonical Study of Resurrection

9 months ago

SBC Family,

Happy belated Good Friday! At 3pm on Friday Jesus breathed His last (gave up His spirit). Before the Judean Passover His body was removed from the cross and placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. It remained in the tomb part of Friday, all of Saturday, and part of Sunday. In Jewish thought any part of a day is reckoned as a full day (see Esther and other passages). He made many appearances that were indisputable (Acts 1:3). A cover up operation quickly ensued that the body had been stolen. No one ever found the body. The reason is because it was raised and lives forevermore, ascended to the right hand of the Father where that body is currently seated ready to come again to rule and reign on earth.

I've put together a canonical study of resurrection which requires thinking through the Scriptures. Some are logically derived by combining scriptural ideas and others are explicit texts. This is the most powerful doctrine in the Bible because of it's repercussions. A resurrected human is all that needs to be said as far as the vindication of the plan of history Scripture presents. When He said "It is finished!" the sin penalty for the world had been paid. When He rose again it was the historical verification that the Father's justice had been vindicated and He was free to justify anyone who believes.

Christianity is currently the one religion (I know it's not a religion, just saying this for statistics sakes) that is declining faster than any other. This aligns with Scripture. This is predicted that it will go to apostasy, so don't lose hope. You can feel all alone, but you're not alone. The one you believe in is alive and well and will return with great power and glory. Then He will be marveled at by all who have believed (2 Thess 1:10).

See the attachment.

Grace to you,



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