Revealed Footage of That Secret Zombie Outbreak on That Secret Space Lab We All Know About

10 months ago

More recovered Go-Noob footage from my confidential source 👀👀👀(totally not my friend Steve; my source just makes his email address look like Steve's), this time showing the Real-Reality©®AP™ proof of Space Labs and Zombies.✔✔✔ Take that everyone who mocked those grainy pictures that clearly show what I want to see! The reason it looks animated is because Space is actually another dimension; Looney Tunes isn't just my nickname, it was also a documentary. CARTOON POCKETS ARE REAL!!! Rumor has it (a majority of the voices in my head) that this is where (0\/1)-19 REALLY came from. The transition from one dimension to the next caused it to not make people zombies, but that's really what 5G is all about. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW???? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

#💉🛰🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🗺 #🚫🐨🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ #🌎🥿🚫📀 #🚫☝(🤮👨G💰)4️⃣🔁#Joe Biden, #Donald Trump, #Summon, #Science, #Fact, #Real, #Proof, #Lizard People, #Lizzo People, #Flat Earth, #Atlantis, #NWO, #WW3, #Aliens (the space kind), #WW4, #Bush, #Shrub, #Aliens (the border kind), #(0\/1] 19, #WW5, #Russia, #Ukraine, #Marsupial People (the REAL threat), #Eric-the-Half-a-Bee, #WW6, #Global Warming, #ManBearPig, #China (the country), #Hollow Earth, #P-Diddler, #Illuminati, #reddit, #You're it!, #Did You Get That Last One?, #China (the dishes), #Obama, #Michael Obama, #Mars, #Moonbases, #Alex Jones, #Sam-Squanch, #🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌, #I'm Sure We've All Been Up At 3am And Seen A Video With Tags Like This

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