The collapse of the Baltimore bridge resembles to the loss of control of Mr. Miles Guo's yacht

9 months ago

3/29/2024【Roy on The John Fredericks Show】Roy: The collapse of the Baltimore bridge resembles so much to the loss of control of Mr. Miles Guo's yacht, which was caused by the CCP’s hacking activity. If it's confirmed that the CCP is involved, it means that the CCP has effectively launched a war against the United States.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #Baltimorebridge #MilesGuo
3/29/2024【罗伊做客The John Fredericks Show节目】罗伊:巴尔的摩大桥事件和文贵先生的游艇被中共黑客后失去控制如出一辙!如果证实中共参与其中,这意味着中共事实上已经对美国发动了战争。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #巴尔的摩大桥 #郭文贵

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