carpal tunnel syndrome exercises and stretches | carpal tunnel syndrome treatments

4 months ago

exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel syndrome. exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel hands. exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy. simple exercises which can be done to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome pain at home. These exercises are very effective to reduce pain in hands in short period of time as witnessed by my patients. These exercises can be done by people of all age group.

carpal tunnel syndrome is also called as median nerve compression. Median nerve runs through the arm to the hand and passes through the tunnel, if this nerve gets compressed in carpal tunnel it can give symptoms such as tingling, numbness and weakness in the hand. It is caused due to repetitive and overuse of hand or wrist, gripping activities and it is common in people with diabetes, obesity. pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis. It is also common in people who do lot of typing work, musician, guitar players, hair stylist etc. These exercises will help in strengthening the grip muscles, gliding the nerve and tendon in the tunnel which will help in improving the mobility of the hand.

These exercises does not require any equipment. These exercises will also help to strengthen the grip muscles,. These exercises are recommended to be done twice a day.

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#tingling, #numbness, #arthritis, #wearNtear, #overuse, #muscleweakness, #physio, #painfree, #stayhealthy, #stretches, #exercises

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