Prophet Julie Green - Things Are About to Turn That You Need to Prepare For - Captions

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God addresses His children with a solemn inquiry: "Do you trust me?" He emphasizes the importance of trust in His ability to deliver, protect, restore, and provide. He presents Himself as the ultimate source of justice, healing, and provision, urging His children to rely solely on Him amidst impending challenges and darkness. Despite the forthcoming trials that may shake their faith, God reassures them of His unwavering faithfulness to His covenant and promises.

Amidst the looming uncertainty and darkness, God urges His children to fix their hearts and minds on Him alone, rather than dwelling on their problems or the world's issues. He contrasts the destructive path of fear with the victorious path of faith, promising freedom, restoration, and glory to those who trust in Him. God extends an invitation to surrender all burdens and cares to Him, promising rest and relief to those who come to Him with heaviness in their hearts.

Ultimately, God calls upon His children to choose trust over fear, reminding them that He is faithful to fulfill His promises and provide for their needs. He urges them to cast aside all doubt and lean on Him completely, assuring them that His light will dispel the darkness and destroy all that stands against them. As His children receive His words and seek His guidance through prayer, God promises to shine through them, illuminating the world with His love and power.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday, February 27th. Of 2024 and I want to thank you once again for joining today's live show Yes, I Am back in my office for well just one day. Okay but I just got back home and i'm leaving again tomorrow morning But tomorrow i'm heading for dallas, texas for the Moms for America event.

It's a three day event. It's very powerful. I'm so excited to be a part of it But tomorrow right after I get off the plane, I Am going to be on with pastor dave and take five With his glory tomorrow. So even though i'm traveling i'm still doing take five with pastor dave tomorrow at 11 o'clock central time So you will see me still on with pastor dave and then thursday Live on this channel at 10 o'clock in the morning again, even though I'm gone, I will be doing a live show.

So there will be no six 30 in the morning on Thursday, but I will be on here live at 10 a. m. Central time. With a guest, a special guest. So I just want to make sure that you guys know that even though I Am going to be out of town, I still be doing pastor Dave and still a live show on this channel or these channels on Thursday, which is the 29th of February.

And then Friday we will be rebroadcasting the, the, his glory event or his glory show. So if you missed it or don't know how to get to any of his glory channels, we will be rebroadcasting that show. As I'm telling you, it's going to be powerful. God has given me so many different things and so many different ways to go on that show tomorrow as I've been praying into that.

And there are prophetic words that I have prerecorded, but you haven't seen yet that God's going to mention some explosive information. I actually was just pre recording that this morning for you so I Am excited for you to hear some of these great things that God is doing. So be watching tomorrow and if you can't watch tomorrow, you can watch here on Friday.

The whole week I'm gone the first week of March, there is a powerful, very powerful study on the power of words, how to pray, how to get results when you're praying, how to be confident. When you're praying that god is going to answer your prayers, so please please please watch all of next week It's a very powerful five part series event that I did specifically for you I know people have been asking for teachings.

This is what the lord had put on my heart and then monday the following monday the 11th. I have already just pre recorded that for you. It's an explosive prophetic word and so Every day that I'm gone, you have something. I made sure that no matter how long I'm gone, you have words of encouragement, prophetic words, teachings, and anything that God has.

Now, if something explosive happens while I'm gone, I will make sure that I get on here, or I will record something for you, I will try to do whatever I can to go live. So you guys can get that information. So just to let you know we, as this Julia Green Ministries International, we are taking care of you.

Even though I have a very busy schedule. I have a lot of places that I had to be in the next couple of weeks. But I'm going to make sure that you will not miss out on anything. All right. Now this prophetic word for today, I heard on February 14th. And again, this is like the third or fourth prophetic word I've had recently.

About God talking about being prepared. I actually just did one this morning right before I got on here for you and Again, he's talking about preparation again but this prophetic word is called things are about to turn that you need to prepare for and so After this prophetic word, I'll make sure that I go over some scriptures with you and what God is revealing to us You But there is something in this prophetic word I know it's going to be eye opening for a lot of people because this is on the, on the heart of God.

So here's this prophetic word again from February 14th, things are about to turn that you need to prepare for. I Am going to share my screen with you. Because this word was given during a prayer call. Okay. So I'll share my screen with you. And then I will be back shortly.

Children of almighty God, I'm asking you this question today. Do you trust me? Do you trust that I will have my way? Do you trust? that I will deliver you. Do you trust that I will protect you? Do you trust that I will restore everything that's been stolen from you? Do you trust that I will remove those ones before you?

Do you trust in my justice? Do you trust that I will be pouring down judgment against the ones who are against you? Do you trust that I Am your healer? Do you trust that I provide for you? Provide everything that you may need and your heart's desires. Do you trust that I'm the most high God? Do you trust that I Am the God who nothing is impossible?

Do you trust? Do you trust? Do you trust? Do you trust me? I'm asking you this very question on this day

to get rid of that question mark to get to know me.

Things are about to take a turn.

Things are about to take a turn. Do you trust me? A turn that won't look good. A turn where things will get darker. A turn where things will look more impossible. A turn where it looks like the enemies are more in control. A turn where it looks financially devastating and great despair.

You trust me when you see devastation before you, will you trust me when you see destruction before you, will you trust me? You see what I did for the Israelites in Egypt.

They also to a point did not trust me

because after they got what they wanted, their freedom,

they stopped trusting me. And they believed the great liar, the snake, the deceiver himself. And they believed his report over mine. They stayed in the wilderness.

I've told you before that was not my will.

The darkness that's coming, the devastation is coming is not for you. Do you trust me?

And my children, I'm asking you, if you do trust me, how are you trusting me? How do you trust me? If you do not know me, you trust me in some things and not all things. But if you don't trust me in all things, Why? Because you don't know what I will do in those situations. There has been a trust issue. In my body, they've been not trusting me because they believe what they see instead of me.

My children, I'm saying this again, in this time that you're living in, what are you trusting? There's only two reports. That's all. I'm saying this again. There's only two reports. That's all. It's the devil's or mine. It's fear, faith. It's deception or truth. Which report do you believe? There's hopelessness that he brings, but I bring hope.

He brings great darkness and despair, but I bring light. Freedom. Who do you believe?

How can you believe me, and trust me, and have faith? in me, if you don't know who I Am, how do you know who I Am? You get in my word. You spend time with me and I will show you who I Am.

2024 is the year you've been waiting for. I've spoken this time and time again.

There's also things on the horizon that will shake your faith. Do you hear what I'm saying? It will shake your faith or your trusting in me. I'm getting your attention now because when the shaking intensifies and it grows greater and the world grows darker. It may appear like you will have your heart's focus on me.

You will trust me and I will strengthen thee. So get before me and you will see who I really am. You will see all that I have for you. I will show you the strength that I have given to you. I will show you the authority that you already have in my name. And because of my blood covenant, That I have made with you and my covenant.

I will not break study covenants study How important they are study my covenant study the Abrahamic Covenant my Old Testament study it Old Testament Old Covenant New Testament New Covenant know the covenants And know how important they are to your everyday life and every part of your everyday life.

My covenant, I will not break. I Am faithful to my word and I Am faithful to deliver. I Am faithful to heal. I Am faithful to provide. I Am faithful to restore. I Am faithful for vengeance is mine. I Am faithful to judge and I Am faithful to bring justice.

What do you believe? What is your heart fixed on in this time? Is your heart in your mind focusing on you? Is it focusing on your problems? Is it focusing on all the world's problems? If it is, you're focusing on the wrong thing.

You're listening to the wrong voice. You're going the wrong direction

because fear will steer you in the path of destruction. Faith, faith will lead you in the path of victory, path of freedom, the path of restoration, and my glory.

My children,

choose to trust me.

Choose to let me have those burdens and those cares and those frustrations. That hopelessness and despair and that fear that you've been holding on to. Don't you trust me with it.

Come to me,

all who are burdened. Come to me, all who have great heaviness.

I will take that heaviness from you.

I will take those cares off of your shoulders. I will give you rest.

So come to me.

Come to me in this time. Come to me

and I will shine through each and every one of you in such darkness and despair. And my light will destroy it all. All that's against you. So receive the words this day. And begin to pray and say what I need you to say,

sayeth the Lord.

Okay. So in that prophetic word, he kept saying over and over again about trusting in him. And now that was a problem with a lot of the church. And the reason why a lot of the body of Christ has had issues with trusting in God is because they don't know God. They don't know how he, how he works. They don't know what he will do in a possible situation.

They don't know what he will do in life and death situations. I don't know what he'll do when it comes to deliverance and freedom and restoration and soundness and wholeness. They don't know. So this is what God is telling us right here. God is telling us that we have to in order to get up out of this muck in the mire in order for us to get Up and start having joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength and having peace at past our understanding in the midst of all This is we have to know God and trust him now I want to read you a few scriptures because again a lot of people want to hear a prophetic word And I love to hear them.

I love to give them out. But it's not just good enough to hear a prophetic word. You have to know the revelation that God is giving with this prophetic word. So, the first scripture I'm going to turn to is Proverbs. And most of you guys know this scripture. Proverbs 3. Proverbs 6, because right now, there are also people who have, they hear a prophetic word, and then they have their own interpretation of it, they have their own spin on it, they think it's one way, and then when it doesn't happen that way, then they get discouraged about it.

Or, they blame the person that said it, even though that was not the way God intended it. When we take things wrong, Why do you think God has had us not only hearing his prophetic words so often, But he's having us also receive more of him and learning more of him and a greater knowledge of who he is and what he will do for you, because too many people have not known that God is in control.

They don't know that God has a plan. They don't know if God, that God will deliver. They don't know that God will remove the evil ones. I don't know that God will restore. They don't know that God will provide. They don't know that God is a God and always different impossible situations. They don't know.

God wants us to know him. And the reason why we haven't known him or been able to some for some people, they haven't been able to trust him is because they don't know him. Like, okay, if you get to know a spouse or whatever, how do you trust your spouse? Unless you know them, you have to know that person, a friend, how do you trust a friend?

Well, you know them high trust, a family member, you know them. God wants us to know him. We haven't known him on a broader scale or level because we have listened and a lot of people have, and they didn't even know they were listening to versions of him, a man's version of God and not what the true written word of God line upon line, precept upon precept about what God is actually saying.

Remember? Okay. And again, I love the chosen. I told you guys, I, I, I love the chosen. Well, there's certain things in there that I, that I see when Jesus was speaking to the disciples, he was meaning one thing, okay? He meant one thing, but his disciples didn't get it. They didn't get that one thing they perceived they had their own perception of what Jesus was saying and we do it today We hear a word or we hear a scripture We put something on it and we you know We put our own understanding on it and then we get disappointed and then we wonder why we get disappointed and then people blame God And it's not God So let's read Proverbs 3 in verse 5 lean on Trust in be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind Do not rely on your own insight or understanding verse 6 in all your ways know and recognize Acknowledge him acknowledge him that he will direct and make straight plain your path We need to right here Lean on, trust in, and be confident in who?

The Lord. Not our own understanding. Not what we think, feel, or believe, or see. Not our five senses in any way, shape, or form. We relive, rely on God. And he's asking us this question. And how many times does he say it? And he says it in different ways. He's asking you questions in different ways. Do you trust me in this?

Do you trust me in that? Do you trust me in this? You trust me in that why because there's going to be a point where our adversaries and what they do Is you are going to question your trusting in god. That's why he's preparing our hearts. Do I trust in god? Do I trust in my own strength? Do I trust in my own ability?

Do I trust in just my pastor or do I trust in this person? Do I trust in this person who am I putting my faith and trust in am I putting my faith and trust in a man? Or a person or am I putting my faith and trust in God? Am I putting my faith and trust in my own mind my own understanding or am I putting my faith and trust in God?

Where are you putting your faith in because in this time we're living in that he's preparing us for he's preparing us for Darkness chaos disruptions and all these different things that are going on in this prophetic word. I just did pre recorded for you this morning a day where i'm gone One of the things he said this is a time of great preparation and then it was a question of God, what are we preparing for?

And then he mentions all these things that we're preparing for. He's been telling us this time and time again, and all these different prophecies. Again, people want to hear a prophecy and go, okay, that was great. And they move on. I want to hear the next one tomorrow. Well, then you missed it. There are great revelation and not only these prophetic words, but there's great revelation in the teachings that he's giving.

I don't take credit for any of these. None, because this was God. It's his word. It's his revelation. It's his scriptures. These are kids. This is his word and this is his will for each not reaching you and I now I also want to read go to Jeremiah, Jeremiah 17, Jeremiah 17 and start with first seven and I'll go back over this prophetic word here in a minute.

But this is the point where in this prophetic word, he's asking you, why is he at? We have to beg the question. Why is he asking us? If we trust him or not, some people already are questioning. They have that question mark. Do I trust God in this situation? Do I trust God in that situation? Do I trust God to answer my prayer?

That's why next week's teaching five part teaching is so important Because it destroys that question mark it destroys that doubt it destroys that fear or worry and unbelief And when I was asking him about this study That he had me to give next week. It's so vitally important. The timeframe we're living in and what is about to take place.

And it's not to bring fear. It's not to, you know, for you guys, like, Oh my God, my God, what are we going to do? God is telling us what to do. He's preparing our hearts. He's making us stronger. Now, Jeremiah 17 and verse 7. Well, you know what? Let's start with verse 5. Sorry, Jeremiah 17 and verse 5. Because this is, Thus saith the Lord.

What's this right here? Thus says the Lord, Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. So right here in Jeremiah 17 5, curse is a man who trusts in man because their heart departs from the Lord because they're not even looking to the Lord. They're not even looking to what he's saying or what he's going to do.

They're relying on themselves or they're putting their trust and reliance on someone else. They're not looking to God that says the Lord. Now again, verse six, for he shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes. Well, that's harsh, but a lot of people right now because they've been trusting in their legalism trusting in religious doctrines They've been trusting in what the enemies are doing and they're like a shrub They can't even see, they show up in the desert, they can't even see when good comes.

A lot of people right now aren't even seeing that good is coming. They're only seeing the bad stuff, they're only hearing the bad stuff. You can give a person a prophetic word. God's been warning about all these things, but he's also putting a but. But this is gonna happen. But I'm gonna have my way. But people are relating to the damage and to the destruction and darkness, and they're not listening to that conjunction word and going on, okay, Lord, this is going to happen, but what am I supposed to do about it?

And so he says, look, they shall not see when good comes. Well, I don't want to be that person. I want to see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness. In salt land, which is not inhabited that was finishing verse 6 verse 17 17 in verse 7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and whose hope is in the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters when which spreads out in roots by the river and will not Fear so if we're trusting in god god's asking us that question in that prophetic word, which i'm going to go over You If we're trusting in God, we will not fear.

Now, if you're not trusting in God, you're not going to see when goodness comes. And you're going to be destroyed. There's a curse. He said, curse is the man. Let's keep reading. In verse 8. Which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when he comes. But its leaves will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought.

Nor will cease from yielding fruit. So even though there's drought, even though there's chaos, even though there's darkness, even though there's shaking, even though there are all these things, a person that's planted and has a firm stability in God, they're rooted in the Word of God, they're not going to be moving side by side, they're not going to be shaking, they're not going to be wavering.

Why? Because their heart is steadfast in the Lord, they know the truth, they know the Word of God, they know what to expect from God, and they're going to make, okay, well, even though everything's going wrong in this world, but God said, just like He did in the land of Goshen, He protected them, and He's going to protect me, so I'm not going to fear it.

You can get all these bad reports that the enemy's going to try to bang you over the head with them. And get you discouraged and get you wearied out through fear and doubt and worry and unbelief. But no, your heart is trusting in Lord and you're steadfast and go, I don't care. A lot of us can get bad reports.

A lot of us can face, you know, impossible looking situations. There was something that I heard even during my prayer retreat, it was a doctor's report. It didn't look that great, but you know what, you know what the Lord had me stand on. He goes, look at all the goodness that I have done and what I'm going to do.

So even though you may have a report, even though it may look not good, even though it may look like an impossible situation, even though it may feel like, Oh my God, everything is, you know, you know, falling in around me. And I have no way of escape. God will show you, this is what I say. This is what I will do.

This is what's really going on. So even though you may get hard hit, and even though you may be discouraged, and the reason why I'm using myself as an example, because I don't want people to think that everything in my life is perfect. Because I had to fight. I had to stay on God's word, just like I have to, I'm telling you.

You know, everybody has struggles satan wants you to be just he wants you to be down He wants you to get upset. He wants you to be discouraged. He wants you to be downtrodden He wants you to be overwhelmed wipe so you don't fight back and anytime you can get any type of bad report This is what you can do and say, you know what?

I thank you father. God. You just showed me This is what this said. This is what this report said, but your word says this i'm not gonna fair I don't care what that looks like I even said it. I came out and told my team. I even said that. I said, this is something that I didn't see that the Lord told me to say.

The Lord was telling me to say certain words that I didn't even know why I was saying them. And then I got that and go, okay, I know why I'm saying them. He was already in the works of getting me out of that situation. That I somewhat knew I was in, but I didn't totally know. And God was saying, hey, look what I've done.

Look, I gave you those words. I gave you that word to hold on to. I told you to declare. Because when you declare a decree thing, it shall be established. And so, you didn't even know certain things were going on. I'm giving you the words to say. I'm trusting in God, giving you the words to say, you say them and I go to work.

That's what God was saying. And so even though you may get discouraging reports, or you see this, something discouraging in your life, you can change it by the power of your words. There are things again, Satan is, it's not only me. There are tons of people that I've talked to, prayed for on the team or people, a family, people, friends.

That satan is doing an all out war to get people way down to the point where they stop praying They don't feel good enough to pray. They don't feel strong enough to pray. They don't feel adequate to pray They don't know how to pray and this is why it's so important to hear these Revelations and to get the word of god Into your heart, you know why because god's word is health and healing to your flesh You can find that in Proverbs 4, 20 through 23.

God's words are life, their health, and healing to your flesh. So if you need healing in your body, read the Word of God. Where life, health, healing, strength, peace, all the things that you need is in the Word of God. Everything you need in every problem in the world today, it's the Word of God has a solution for it.

And I'm going to keep going. So again, Proverbs, or sorry, Jeremiah 17 verse eight, it says again, which spreads out roots by the river and will not fear. Why? If you're trusting in the Lord, you will not, trusting in the Lord, you will not fear. You say, you see something one way. But if you ask the Lord for help and you ask him to show you, he will show you what's really going on.

Now go to Psalm, go to Psalm 37 again, I'm going to go back over this prophetic word in a minute. There's scriptures that he wants me to say today, Psalm 37 and start with verse three, Psalm 37 and verse three. This is the classic amplified trust, lean on, rely on, be confident in the Lord and do good. So shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on his faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed.

Again, if we are leaning on, relying on, trusting in God, trusting in that he is Alpha the Omega. He's beginning is the end trusting that he is Al Shaddai, the God who nothing is impossible. And he shows up in impossible situations, trusting that he's Jehovah Rapha. He's your healer. When you need healing in your body or healing for a family member, trusting him that he is Jehovah Jireh.

He's your provider. If you need something provisions being provided for you financially, a house getting out of debt or whatever it is, God is your provider. He provides. He shows and gives us many examples in the Bible that he provides. I was just watching it again with my husband last night, the the episode eight of season three of the chosen, where those disciples, even though they saw Jesus do all his miracles over and over and over again, when all they had was the loaves and the fishes.

And they're just like, well, what's this among so many people? They were not trusting in Jesus's ability to multiply what they saw. He showed up, he turned water into wine. They knew that he showed them all these different things all leading up to this and they still question Well, what's this among so many they didn't they didn't trust in Jesus As their provider no matter what they needed no matter if it was bringing somebody back to life No matter if it was you know Healing somebody's broken bone or healing their legs from a paralytic Who couldn't walk for how many years of his life or never walked at all?

They saw all these things in front of their face Well, we may not always see some of these things but we read them and god is showing us these things I have seen since I was a little girl I was raised in a household of faith. I have seen miracle after miracle. I've experienced miracles. My kids have experienced miracles.

We've all experienced a miracle. I know that God is a God of miracles, but does everybody trust and rely on God that he is the healer? He's a Jehovah Rapha. They trust in God that he is a miracle working God. Do they trust in him that he is their victory? He's Jehovah ness in your banner or your victory.

Do they trust, do you trust in him that he is your victory? He's asking these questions in these prophetic words. Why? Because people may not question. Well, I know God is my healer because he healed me, you know, but they have a question mark of does God provide? Or they have a question mark. This is entirely, you know, impossible situation.

There's no way out of it Can I trust god to get us out? God is asking us and it's prophetic word. Do we trust him? And if there is a question mark if you are questioning god in any way If there is something that you need like god, I don't know for sure what you're going to do Then that's what you need to dig into the bible and go.

Okay god, what do you do in this situation? Do you heal do you restore? Do you replenish? Do you provide? Do you deliver? Do you, whatever it is, you need to get that faith. Faith comes by, what is it? Faith comes by hearing and hearing. Romans 10 17. In order to have faith or trusting in God, you have to get in his word and see what he says.

And what he will do in any situation we've gotten so many and I say this all the time because we get them every week so many praise reports of cancers being dissolved and destroyed and literally not showing up anymore on any type of MRI CAT scan PET scan I don't care they are they're they're disappearing.

Why? Because God is a miracle working God and if you speak life and if you speak health And if you speak healing in a situation God is faithful to perform his word now I'm gonna read the scripture to you

in psalm 89 and verse verse 34 psalm 89 psalm 89 in Verse 34. He said something this prophetic word that we need to know about Psalm 89 in verse 34. My covenant will I not break or Profane nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. God's not gonna change his covenant He's not going to alter it, but he's faithful to perform his covenant.

What's a covenant? Let's look up a covenant definition. An agreement. A covenant is an agreement The biblical definition or biblical meaning the word covenant in agreement between God and his people in which God makes promises to his people, and it does require certain conduct from them. So, again, A contract or a covenant an agreement between God and his people in which He makes promises to his people.

God has promised us what and John 10 10 He says the thief comes is still killing destroyed, but I have come to give you life and Live it more abundantly. So God has come to give us life and live it more abundantly. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. People blame God for things that are being stolen in their life, people are being killed, or people are dying in their life, and they're blaming on God, and God's saying, Uh uh, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life and to live at you more abundantly.

We have to know God's covenant. He even said in that prophetic word, again, I'm gonna go back over it, He said Old Testament Old Testament Old Covenant, New Testament, New Covenant. In God's covenant, He will not break. So He says, in His new covenant, in 14, that He always causes you to triumph. Well, He won't break that.

That's part of His covenant. He will not break it. Now sometimes when we don't see victories and we don't see things going right in our life, it's because are we trusting in God To fulfill that word to fulfill that promise Do we know some people don't have victories and don't see them because they don't know they don't know What god's covenant is they don't know what god's promise and what he will do so I have more scriptures Let's read one one more and I'll go over the prophetic word.

Maybe maybe two psalm 56 psalm 56 in verse 4 Psalm 56 in verse 4 by the help of God. I will praise his word on God I will lean rely and confidently put my trust. I will not fear What can man who is flesh? Due to me. So if you know that God, the greater one on the inside of you is greater than he that's in the world You will not fear any man against you.

You will not fear your enemies that are against you. Why? Because you have that firm Foundation, firm focus foundation on the father and you're trusting in him. He's gonna get you out of anything and he's bigger than anything He's bigger than any problem. He's bigger than any person. He's bigger than any government.

He's bigger than any death sentence He's bigger than a doctor's report. He's bigger than your bank account. What looks like it's in it or not in it He's bigger. So let's go over this prophetic word again, and it says

Children of Almighty God, I'm asking you this question today. Now God's asking us a question. He's getting our attention There's a reason why he's asking us a question Do you trust me? Do you trust that I have my way? So right there, are we trusting that God will have his way in this whole entire mess?

Will he have his way in your marriage? Will he have his way in your body and what's going on in it? Will he have his way in the governments all around the world and all the crazy, craziness and chaos? Will he have his way in our elections? Will he have his way? People are asking this question. He's asking, do you trust that I will have my way?

Do you trust that I deliver you? If you have that question mark of will God deliver, go look up all the examples in the Bible where God delivered his people. He's a deliverer. Do you trust that I will protect you? A lot of people question that. Okay? One chapter in the Bible, there's many go to Psalm 91. If you have that question, if God will protect you, go to Psalm 91, go to Psalm 23.

You have to get these scriptures down on the inside of you. God is saying all these question marks right here that he's given us. People are asking. He's like, hey, do you trust me that I will deliver? Do you trust me that I'm gonna have my way? Do you trust that I will protect you? Any way, be honest with yourself, any way were you having that question mark, get into God's Word and destroy that doubt.

Do you trust that I will restore everything that's been stolen from you? A lot of people don't realize and don't understand that God is the God who restores. Look at the book of Exodus. He restored in every area, not just one area of their life. He restored in all. So let's look in then he says, do you trust that I remove those ones before you?

Do you trust that I will remove those ones before you? So if you have a question mark that God will remove for, you know, us in this country, then watch an establishment. Well, go look to the establishment in the Egypt. Pharaoh, all of his men, that was an establishment. They were all destroyed right in front of God's people.

Then he's asking right here, do you trust in my justice? Well, we've, we've sure trust in a lot of injustice. We're seeing all these ridiculous court cases in this country and it's making a mockery of our judicial system. Why? One, they think they're, you know, they're arrogant enough and they think they can get away with some of this stuff, but people are realizing, no, that's not real law and that's not real justice.

It's waking people up to it. The guy is saying, do you trust in my justice? Because you've seen a lot of injustice. You've seen a lot of what the devil can do. But do you trust in God's justice? So if you can't, look up scriptures where God showed. Look up scriptures that God talks about his justice. Then it says, do you trust that I will be pouring down judgment against the ones who are against you.

So if you are questioning is God going to bring down any judgment? All these people, I've heard this so many times. I don't care where we've been at. We've gone nationwide and we hear people all the time. Well, all these people are just getting away with all of these things. So you don't, do you believe though that God's judgment is going to come down against them?

If you have that question mark, then again, another example, look at Goliath. Goliath was against God's person, or God's people, and he brought a 16 year old, or a teenager, to fight against him and destroy him. He brought down Pharaoh and all of his men. He brought down every person that was against God, that was against his people.

He showed them judgment. If you look at all those plagues in Egypt, we talk about this many, many different times. Those plagues were judgments. So if you're questioning if God will judge or if he will bring judgment, read the book of Exodus. And also the book of Psalm. In Psalm 75 in verse 7, God is the judge over all the earth.

He takes down one and lifts up another. Read these scriptures that God's been giving to us. Psalm 33 verse 10. He brings the counsel of the nations to nothing, and makes their plans of no effect. Read Psalm 37, which talks about God will cut off your enemies. You're going to see him one way, in one place, and the next day you're not.

Again, where is our trust? And if we are not trusting in God, there are scriptures that you can read. To start trusting in God in those ways. Do you trust I'm a healer? So now you got to go read all the scriptures that God talks about healing and I've shared this with you before keith moore did an Absolute positively most powerful study on god as healer and healing scriptures.

There's 101 Healing scriptures you can look it up keith moore 101 healing scriptures and that will destroy The doubt that you have if god is not a healer 101 healing scriptures You God is the healer. He longs to heal. Look at all the examples that Jesus did when he was for his ministry for three and a half years.

Look how many miracles he did. And there's so many miracles we don't even know about. They weren't even all written down. There's too many. Now, here's another one. Do you question that I provide for you? God's asking this. Do you, do you know, do you trust in that I provide for you? If you need to know Jehovah Jireh as your provider, go read Philippians 4.

19. It's one example. That God will provide your every need according to his riches and glory by and through Christ Jesus. God will, God will provide our every need. That's a promise. And just like with Peter, remember, look what he needed. He needed a boat load of fish. And he got it. Look what happened when they needed tax money.

Jesus said, go down and catch the first fish, open its mouth, and there'll be money for you. He was showing them he was a provider. Again, that wedding, the first miracle that he did in front of people. He turned water into wine. He's shown us so many different times in the Bible. Old Testament, New Testament.

Amen. Old Covenant, New Covenant. He provides. He's a provider. So then here's another question. And provide everything you need and your heart's desire. So not just what you need, but also your desires of your heart, your wants. Do you know and trust in God that he will provide that for you? It says in God's word, he gives us a desires of our hearts.

Another question. Do you trust that I Am the most high God? So he's asking you right here. Do you trust that I Am the most high God? Do you trust that I Am greater than your enemy? That's what he's asking us here. And he says, again, Do you trust that I Am the God whom nothing is impossible? So, do you trust him as Al Shaddai?

Well, if you need to know him as Al Shaddai, go to the Genesis chapter 17. Genesis chapter 17 and verse 1. That's when he reveals himself as the God whom nothing is impossible to Abraham. He reveals to himself as almighty God. Almighty God is Al Shaddai. Okay. Almighty God is Al Shaddai. Al Shaddai is a guy who nothing is impossible.

So he shows up in impossible situations. But if you have that question mark where you have all these impossible situations and you don't know how to get out of it. You don't know if God will show up, then you need to know that God is a God whom nothing is impossible. Now he says this three times in a row.

Do you trust? Do you trust? Do you trust? Oh, four times. Do you trust me? Four times. Do you trust? Do you trust me? Why? I'm asking this very question on this day to get rid of that question mark. So again, a lot of people have question marks about God and all these different avenues of where they don't trust him and he's wanting you to get rid of those question marks.

So you trust him.

He says I'm asking you this question on this day to get rid of the question mark. To get to know me. He wants you to know him. Things are about to take a turn. Things are about to take a turn. Do you trust me? So when things are going to turn and they're going to look at a different way, God's saying, are you going to trust me when they turn?

Do you trust me? When they turn, that won't look good. A turn when things will get darker. A turn when things will look more impossible. A turn when it looks like the enemies are in more control. Are in more control are so God's asking us and he says it four times. You're going to trust me when things don't look good, when things get darker, when things look more impossible and when your enemies looks like when the enemies look like they're in more control, are you going to trust him?

A turn when it looks financially and it's devastating and it's great to spare because he talked to us about the economic system. He talked to us about their economic system. I should say, I know you guys just watched that one from yesterday. When things look like they're going in the wrong direction, God's saying, are you going to trust me?

And he says you trust me when you see devastation before you. Will you trust me when you see devastation before you will you trust me when you see devastation before you will you trust me? When you see what I did for the Israelites in Egypt now, they saw great devastation Things got worse before they got better for the it for the Israelites.

They got a lot worse the plagues I'm sure freaked some of them out Devastated like what in the world's going on And I'm sure a lot of them were questioning if they could trust God and he's saying that there's gonna be a greater exodus and People are gonna be saying the same the same thing. Are we gonna trust God?

He says you see what I did for the Israelites in Egypt They also to a point did not trust me Even after all they saw God do all the plagues all the the wealth transfer because there was a massive wealth transfer in the book Of Egypt. So if you don't you know a book of Exodus if you don't say that in Egypt it happened Before they left, there was a great wealth transfer.

God restored him and everything. He did everything that he could for them, and they still questioned him. Why? Because after they got what they wanted, now listen to this, they got everything they wanted. They got their mental state back. They got their health back. They got their finances back. They got their freedom back.

They got everything they wanted. And some of them stopped trusting me, he said, and they believed the great liar, the snake, the deceiver himself, and they believed his report over mine. Then they stayed in the wilderness. And you can see that in numbers chapter 13, 30 through 33. And you can even start reading into Numbers 14, after all these amazing and awesome miracle things that God did for them, the manna, the water, everything.

They questioned God over and over and over again. And that's why they stayed in the wilderness. They stopped trusting him.

So we said, they believed the devil's report over mine. They believed that those giants were too big. They believed it was what they saw God do for them. And they, they stopped. It was a trust issue. They didn't get to the promised land because of a trust issue. I don't want us to get in these situations and to have a trust issue and not trust God.

And neither does obviously this God, that's why he's giving us this prophetic word. And he's asking us these questions. He said, they saved in the wilderness. Yes. They stayed in the wilderness because of a trust issue. I told you before, that was not my will. God's will was for them not to stay in the wilderness.

God's will for them was to go to the promised land. Now listen to what he's saying, he had me put this in bold. The darkness that's coming, the devastation that's coming, is not for you, is what he's saying. Then he's asking this question, right after he says this, this darkness that's coming, the devastation that's coming, is not for you.

Do you trust me, my children, you trust in me. So even when you see all this stuff happen, are you going to trust God that that darkness is not for you? Are you going to trust God? He's going to deliver us out of this mess. Are you going to trust God that even though his chaos is surrounding you, a thousand might be at one side and a 10, 000 another, but it won't come near you.

Are you going to believe that you're going to believe what Psalm 91 says, that God is your protector. He's your fortress. He protects you from the plans of the evil one. Do you believe that? I'm asking you if you do trust me and how are you trusting me? Are you trusting God because of what a man made doctrine said?

Are you trusting God because of what your friend said, your neighbor said, your mom said, your dad said, are you trusting God? Because of what he said, or what you've heard someone say about God.

How do you trust me if you do not know me? So, again, people know a version of God. They know him through a person. They know him through their past, or they know him through, you know, whoever. But they don't know him for him. Says, how do you trust me if you do not know me? He wants you to get to know him on a more personal level.

Now we, while we were gone during our prayer retreat and we were, you know, doing the Lord's will and what he wanted us to do as a team for this, for the body of Christ, especially for this nation, for the nations around the world, and now the body of Christ all around the world, there was an outage. I think it was AT& T and a whole bunch of other different cell phone companies.

I think there was wifi that was out in different places. There was an outage. God said certain things like this were going to happen. All these are signaling for something bigger. God's getting our attention. He's prophesied this years ago. Silence, darkness. And he's, he's talked about all these things. And so last week, I know it only happened for a few hours or it was, I don't even, it was whole day, most of the day, some of the day, I don't know.

But guys saying, Hey, I'm getting your attention. Not to fear, not to fear. Are we going to trust God when we, our cell phones don't work? Are you going to trust God when you're, the internet doesn't work? Are you going to trust God in these situations? You trust God when the economy falls apart. Are you gonna trust God?

He says you trust me in some things and not all things. That's why he's broke it down in all this prophecy. He's asking us all these different questions because if you have a question mark, he wants to destroy that question mark. He wants to destroy that doubt. So that's why right now we have to be very, very serious with ourselves in asking us, do we trust God in some things?

Do we trust God in all things? Then he says, but if you don't trust me in all things. Why? He's asking that question. If you don't trust me in all things, why don't you trust me? And then he's giving you the answer. Because you don't know what I will do in those situations. The reason why people don't trust God in all things is because they don't know what he will do in certain situations.

He's giving us the answer to these questions. Then he says there has been a trust issue in my body. They've not been trusting me because they don't believe what they they believe what they see They believe in what they see instead of me That's where right now is if you believe in what you see instead of believing god That's where we have to walk by faith and not by sight my children I'm saying this again in this time that you're living in what are you trusting in there are only two reports That's why i'm saying i've got some balloons.

That's why i'm saying this again. There's only two reports What two reports are there? He said that's all. There's a good report, and there's a bad report. There's an evil report, and there's God's report, which is truth. He says it's the devil's or mine. So if you know there's two reports, there's God's report or the enemy's report.

You know that God, God's word is truth. It's setting you free. So you need to know God's report and what God is saying. The evil, it's really, it's really, really super easy. The evil reports all over the place. There's evil reports all over the place. But do you believe God? Do you believe his report or the evil report?

He says it's devil's or mine. They saying this is fear or faith. You can have both. It's deception or truth.

Which report do you believe? There's hopelessness that he brings. So the devil brings hopelessness and despair. He said, but I bring hope. So if you need hope today, you need to get in the Word of God. You need to know God as your hope, as your peace, as your source. He says he brings great darkness and despair.

Satan brings darkness and despair, chaos, destruction, confusion. Satan is the author of confusion. So he brings these things. He said, but I bring light and So God is the exact opposite of your enemy. Satan brings destruction, deceit, chaos, and all these different things. But God brings light, peace, and freedom.

He says, who do you believe? How can you believe me and trust in me and have faith in me? If you don't know who I Am, how do you know who I Am? You get in my word. So God's saying, all these people are having question marks and they're not trusting in God. And he's saying, you don't trust in me because you don't know who I Am in that specific situation.

But God doesn't want us to trust us in just one thing. You know, either this thing or that thing he wants to trust us. He wants us to trust him in all things. He said, so get in my word. That's how you know him. That's how you trust him. Get in his word. You spend time with me and I will show you who I Am.

So it's another reason why it's so important for us. To get in prayer to get in fellowship with God to start talking to him I talk to God sometimes like i'm just talking to you right now I talk to God like i'm talking to my husband or i'm talking to God like i'm talking my team I talk to him like this.

You have to sit there and be like, oh god. Oh god. Oh god This is going on be real god knows who you are and he also knows your problems Before you get into prayer and he also knows All your sins before you ask him to forgive you. God knows now he says 2024 is a year you've been waiting for i've spoken this time and time again.

There's also things on the horizon That will shake your faith There's things on the horizon that are coming up that will shake your faith and he says do you hear what i'm saying? It will shake your faith And you're trusting in me. So a lot of people, again, God's saying things are going to happen on the horizon.

That's going to shake your face. So be prepared for it. God is repairing our hearts. He's getting rid of that doubt. What are that fear? What are that? We're getting rid of those question marks of, can we trust God? I, it will shake your faith or your trust in me. I'm getting your attention now because when they're shaking intensifies, when the enemy is shaking intensifies, And it grows greater and the world grows darker it will appear like he didn't say it's going to it will appear that way You will have your hearts focused on Me you will trust me and I will strengthen The so if our hearts are fixed trusting in God We have that firm focused foundation on the father if we have that then he's strengthening us in this time Where the enemy means to weaken us And destroy us god is saying i'm going to strengthen you So get before me and you will see who I really am You will see all that I have for you I will show you the strength that I have given to you I will show you the authority that i've given in my name and because my blood covenant remember he keeps his covenant He said in my blood covenant that I have made with you and my covenant.

I will not break. He said study my covenant Jesus, in that blood covenant, he was that sacrificial lamb. It was a blood covenant. That blood was shed for us to be victorious over the world. That blood was shed for us that we are healed and made whole. That blood was shed for us that we are victorious. That blood was shed for us that our enemy is destroyed and annihilated and brought to nothing.

But if you don't know that. Then how do you trust in it? Study how important they are. Study how important covenants are. Study my covenant. Study the Abrahamic covenant in my Old Testament and I'll tell you what to study. Study the Abrahamic covenant in my Old Testament. Study it. The Old Testament. Old Covenant.

New testament, new covenant. I just went over that. Then he says, know the covenants and know how important they are to your everyday life and every part of your life, every part of our life, he's saying. So know how these covenants affect our life on a daily basis. We have the new covenant because of Jesus Christ.

And then also he says in Galatians 3 and 29 that we are heirs to the Abrahamic. We're heirs to Abraham. And what, what was the covenant he gave to Abraham? They'd be blessed to be a blessing. Those who curse you, I will curse. Those who bless you, I will bless.

He said again, my covenant I will not break. You can find that in Psalm 89. Psalm 89 34. I just went over it with you. God's covenant His agreement with us his blood covenant. He will not break He says I Am faithful to my word and I'm faithful to deliver. I'm now listen, he's showing you I'm faithful to deliver He's faithful to his word.

He's faithful to deliver. He's faithful to heal. He's faithful to provide. I'm faithful to restore I Am faithful. God can't lie. Then he says for vengeance is mine I Am faithful to judge and I'm faithful to bring justice. Who do you believe? Believe what is your heart fixed on in this time? Is your heart and your mind focusing on you?

Is it on your problems? Is it on your family? Is on what's going wrong in your government? What's going wrong in your nation? What's going wrong with your body? What's going wrong in your marriage? What's your what's your heart focused on guys saying? Is it focusing on your problems? Is it focusing on the world's problems?

Is it focusing on the wrong thing? He says and if it is then you're listening to the wrong voice If you are focused on all the problems and if you're focused on all those mountains and if you're focused on everything That's going wrong. God says you're focusing on the wrong thing. You're going on the wrong direction Because fear will steer you in that path of destruction So now he's telling you the enemy has you on that path.

He has you on that's why he's so adamant about preparing us You To be trusting in him and not the enemy He said faith faith will lead you in the path of victory path of freedom a path of restoration and my glory That means his presence his power and his goodness. That's what his glory is god's presence god's power and god's goodness My children choose to trust me, choose to let me have those burdens, those cares, those frustrations, that hopelessness, and that despair, and that fear that you've been holding on to.

Don't you trust me with it? Go read Matthew 11. It's powerful. When Jesus says, come to me all who are heavy laden and burdened, and I will give you rest. He's a do you trust me with it come to me all who are burdened come to me all who have been great heavy It have great heaviness. I will take the heaviness from you.

I will take those cares off your shoulders I will give you rest again Matthew 11 Then he says so come to me Come to me in this time come to me and I will shine through each and every one of you In such darkness and despair and my light will destroy it all and that's all that's against you To receive these words this day and begin to pray and say what I need you to say Save the lord so god needs us to pray And God needs us to say His words, but also, again, He's trying to destroy the trust issue.

Because, again, if God is telling you all of these things that He will do, but if you don't trust Him, then you won't have faith in Him. If you don't have faith in Him, then you'll have fear. And if you have fear, then Satan is leading you down that wrong path. And that is why this Is so important and that's why in this prophetic word that he just gave us out today And I was asked like after we got done we were on this prayer call That's why I shared with you because it was during a prayer call.

It was powerful Because a lot of people have a trust issue and if they don't trust God and they don't know how to stand in faith or to pray or to believe God that he is going to do something about it. So say what he needs you to say. It's really important. That's what I said next week. Please watch that five part series.

So there are only 30 minutes a day. I think the longest might've been like 36 minutes. There's short teachings. There's five of them next week, all five days, 30 minutes at a time to get this revelation out. Of how important first words are in every situation. But it's also how to trust in God. Also how, if you know God's word, that you have confidence in God's word, you have confidence on God's word, then you're confident that he will answer your prayer.

And if you are confident he will answer your prayer, then you will have whatever you are praying for. And you will know that you have that answer and then you will have that joy. You will have that piece that you need in the midst of all these different situations. So if you have a trust issue and be honest with yourself, you can be so have faith in God in one area and not have faith in God in another.

So again, I'll be back. I'll be on with pastor Dave live tomorrow. I'm going to land in Dallas, Texas, get to my air, get to my hotel as fast as I can and be on with pastor Dave. All right, i'll be back on live with you on thursday right here in all these channels I'll be live from dallas with a special guest Okay, and then friday we're doing a rebroadcast of take five So if you miss it tomorrow, you can see it on friday and then all of next week Is that five part series and then I just pre recorded for that following monday that i'll be traveling home So every day no matter how long i've been gone for I made sure that you had all of these things It's so important right now We are at a very pivotal moment in this in this country's history in this world As soon as the most like god we have to know to trust god We have to know how to do it.

We have to know how to get in his word how to study how to pray how to to to um Um get into his presence You We have to know and that's why all these revelations are important. I want to pray for each and every one of you today So father god right now We thank you for revealing to us asking us all these questions about trusting you and father god if we have any unresolved questions And any problems that we have not been trusting in you father god, we do ask for forgiveness But I thank you father god that you are bringing this up because this truth is setting us free And thank you father god that right now that all the deception that has been trying to use being used against the body of christ Just like you said in that word.

I you gave out that i'm pre recorded this morning for all of them We have an unstoppable force on the inside of us Because you are that unstoppable force. So I thank you father God that everyone, each and every one of them right now are tapping in to being God inside my name, that they know that the greater one is on the inside of them, that he that's in the world.

So every impossible situation they're facing, every doctor's reporter, every situation they're facing financially or with their family. It doesn't matter. You are bigger, and they're getting a greater revelation, Father God, that you are bigger. They're getting a greater revelation on who you are and your word.

And we thank you, Father God, that they are steadfast, focused on you. They had that firm focused foundation on the father So no matter what anything is shaking around them if everything is shaking They will not be shaken and I thank you and I proclaim and decree this day That no weapon formerly against them shall prosper satan.

Take your hands off of god's property You take your hands off of their minds right now in jesus name Because god's not giving us a spirit of fear but power up in a sound mind. So i'm proclaiming sound minds I Am proclaiming every malfunction, every sickness and disease, every pain and affliction that has been brought on by the enemy because of the curse.

Father God, we are redeemed from the curse. So Satan, you bow your knee in the name of Jesus. And I command every symptom of the flu every symptom of pain every symptom of any cancer or any other thing I command it out of their bodies right now in Jesus name and father God, there's no distance in the spiritual realm So I thank you for touching them from the top of their head the soles of their feet I proclaim life in their bodies right now death you Release them in Jesus name.

You said father God we choose life You So I Am choosing, Father God, life, I Am speaking life unto your people and blessing. And we thank you, Father God, that the enemy is under our feet and we get a greater revelation of who he is. He is defeated. He is a liar and he is a loser. And so we thank you Father God for this great revelation in Jesus name.

Amen. Amen So again, if you do need any prayer Requests if you need prayer reach out to our prayer team. I'm gonna go in a prayer a prayer call here pretty soon so if you need it need any prayer go to Jgm international org under our contact page or you can go to Julie green ministries or you can write us at Julie green ministries international Jgm 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807 and if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise You can go to threesunstreads.

com There's hats sweatshirts shirts long sleeve shirts cups, whatever it is, and let's let our enemy know that God wins So I hope this

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