Do this for rotator cuff muscle tear

6 months ago

11 simple exercises which can be done to treat rotator cuff muscle tear at home. These exercises are very effective to reduce pain caused by rotator cuff muscle tear in short period of time as witnessed by my patients. These exercises can be done by people of all age group.

Shoulder pain is one of the most common complains I hear from my patients, especially due to Rotator cuff muscle tear due to injury, strain or repetitive use and degenerative cause. These pains are also caused by overuse, repetitive over head movements of the shoulder which hinders performance of daily activities. These pains are common in athletes, people over 60 years, diabetic patients, people doing manual labor etc.

In this video, we demonstrate a series of effective exercises specifically designed to help rehab a rotator cuff muscle tear and provide pain relief. Whether you're dealing with rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis, or general shoulder pain, these strengthening exercises can help you avoid surgery and get back to full functionality. Don't let a rotator cuff injury hold you back - subscribe now for more helpful healthcare content! #rotatorcuffexercises #painrelief #shoulderrehab

Rotator cuff injuries can be painful and frustrating, but incorporating rotator cuff exercises into your daily routine can help provide relief and strengthen the muscles around your shoulder joint. These exercises are designed to target the specific muscles involved in rotator cuff tendinitis and injury, providing a safe and effective way to improve mobility and reduce pain. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program to ensure you are using the correct techniques to prevent further damage. #rotatorcuffexercises #shoulderstrengthening #painrelief.

These exercises does not require any equipment. These exercises will also help to strengthen the muscles of shoulder and shoulder blades. These exercises are recommended to be done twice a day.

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