Scammers, Grifters, Ex-employees, a Divorce ends up abusing Gofundme to go after crowder.

11 months ago

Scammers, Grifters, Ex-employees, a Divorce ends up abusing Gofundme to go after
Steven Crowder.
More and more we see Gofundme, cash app and PayPal used to grift money out of kind people who want to help others, who need a little help because their life has had a sad downturn, but grifters and scammers using cash grabs when they have no need to ,other than greed, they use money grabs praying on the kindness of you, please look into people before handing over your money.

Some of the information in this video came from words used in louder with Crowder and Jared Monroe's own videos, other parts came from BostonBob and a few anonymous sources who wish to remain anonymous.
If any part of this video you feel is incorrect comment below.

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