This is How Bad Guys & Supervillains MANIFEST Their DESIRED REALITY

10 months ago

Here I talk about how bad guys and villains always have a good life. They get everything they want.

Everything works out for them, their only problem in life is the Hero.

It's like these bad guys always MANIFEST their desired reality and always live in this amazing state even though they commit such atrocities.

So one thing you can learn about this is these villains, feel no guilt, remorse, or shame for their actions. They are in a constant higher vibrational state that corresponds and attracts higher vibrational things.

It's the hero who feels more guilt, shame, and pain than the villains, that's why you see villains having much better lives than heroes. Usually, villains have an abundance of wealth, relationships, and comfort.

If they can commit such bad atrocities and still not feel guilty and thrive in this higher vibrational energy; why can't you.

If you are thinking acting and living in a state of guilt, you will find more things to be guilty about, it's like that reality manifests around you.
So LET GO, raise your vibrational frequency, and start manifesting your desired reality.

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