30 03 2024 - Melbourne Freedom Rally

9 months ago

Display Image of nut job who appears like a lame stream media deceivers who claims nobody cares when the government lie to them, and nobody cares about all the excess deaths, and thinks all the government lying and deception is over, remember when the deceptive lame stream media reported on the Freedom Rally's when there was 100,000 people they claim there is only a 100 or a few thousand at most, this nut job claims nobody cares that people are dying and nobody cares that the government is lying to them, and claims there was only 12, then only 10, then only 8 people at the rally, when there was 30+ people at the rally. So is this a paid pathetic nut job who can not count from the pathetic lame stream media who willingly going along the genocidal program and willingly lying to the people ? is this where this nut job is from ? because it recites the same sort of verbal diarrhea.
If its not from lame stream media, then maybe it is a politician nut jub.

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