Israel Gaza War - Emeritus Professor Paul Rogers

11 months ago

Emeritus Professor Paul Rogers analyses the situation in Gaza and Ukraine and warns about the coming anti Elite Revolutions.

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
03:55 Gaza and Israels fundamental insecurity
12:55 Netanyahus miscalculation
15:30 Come and see for yourself
18:10 The role of the evangelical Christians in US foreign policy
22:45 What to do with the Palestinians
25:50 Chaos in the UK
29:35 The complicity of the mainstream media
32:50 Information wars and indoctrination
37:10 Israel in turmoil
40:10 Messianic fundamentalists and militarised settlers
44:00 Civil war in Israel
45:40 Israels nukes in the wrong hands
48:20 The real challenge: Climate breakdown
53:05 The three horsemen
59:00 The root cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
01:01:10 The Wests double standards
01:05:25 Eco terror
01:07:00 Suicidal, alcoholic or optimistic

Paul Rogers is an authoritative figure in peace studies and global security. He is Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford and serves as a Global Security Consultant with the Oxford Research Group.

With over 30 years of experience, Professor Rogers has focused on international security, arms control, and political violence. He lectures at universities worldwide and has authored at least 26 books, including "Global Security and the War on Terror" and "Why We're Losing the War on Terror.”

He is a regular commentator on global security issues in the media and serves as openDemocracy’s International Security Editor.

In short, Paul Rogers' career spans academia, consultancy, and media commentary, where he is making significant contributions to the discourse on peace and security, as you will see in the following interview.

While the largest part of this interview is dedicated to the, in lack of a better term, Israel-Palestine conflict, we also discuss the coming climate breakdown and the war in Ukraine. If you stick around you will see how all of this is connected.

And now before we jump into the interview with Professor Rogers a quick call to action. Some of the best interviews on this channel are shadow banned, which means Youtube is not presenting them to you, the viewer.

Some examples are Noam Chomskys interview about Israel, or the interview with the Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser.

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