A Brief Intro and History of LOVE'S MUSES

6 months ago

Hello, my name is Kristina, and you are listening to an Ai text-to-speech audio version of an epic story called LOVE’S MUSES. It’s a story with a rich exquisite cast who work together over the span of twenty years to help three men pick themselves up by the bootstraps after a great fall. I’m not a writer by trade or choice, but around 10-11 years ago, GOD turned a projector on in my head and put and epic tale in there. I was compelled to write it down, and I know from Whom that compulsion came. I spent March 2013 - May 2015 working on it day and night. I self-published them ten years ago, but the handwriting on the wall was quite telling that GOD had not intended for LOVE’S MUSES to make its debut at that time. (Pun not intended, well maybe intended a little.) I decided to shelve the three completed books and when GOD knew that I was ready He would inspire me again to complete books 4 and 5. Little did I know that there would end up being a 6th book to be completed at a later time. It is more or less of an epilogue tying up all the loose ends.
I do believe that it’s time that the LOVE’S MUSES Books need to come out of their hiding place, but I choose to remain behind. I’m not a public person. The older I get the thinner my skin gets, both figuratively and literally. I never want these books to attract attention for any reason other than the message in the pages, it's Wisdom from Above. As long as I’m breathing, these books will never see the inside of a commercial publishing house. What GOD has given me for free, I want to share for free, however, they are finally available in Kindle and print format. I put a link to them in the description section. If you are anything like me, you may like to hear the text as well as read it. I have uploaded an Ai text-to-speech version of them through book four on Rumble, and I will add those links below, also. GOD bless you, and I pray that for those who have wounded hearts, and I’m sure that covers just about everyone, I hope you find healing in these pages.

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